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"When trust is broken, a mere 'sorry' means nothing to me.


                                                            "Oh, what a plot twist you were."

          "Soulmates are often two idiots who found each other, and this is one of those cases."


                                                                                                        "Tears are words the heart couldn't express."

"This all sounds so cliche don't ya think?" I asked the boy beside me,


                                                                "It sounds like something straight from Pinterest, not to be rude." 

The curly haired boy replied.

"I agree with your statement." I said putting my hand in the air looking at the big ring placed on my finger,

"But in some way, it reminds me of us? Weird, right?" I asked the boy.


                                                                                                  "I agree with you in some weird way," 

"Especially the soulmate one!" He chuckled at me,

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