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Yelena's POV

"Why didn't you just tell us the plan all along?" I sat down next to Blaze as I finally found her alone.

"Well the stone...they didn't need to know. As for her...Everyone was so set on killing her Yelena. It's like they didn't even want to give her a chance. I'm not sure it was worth it though...I know my older sisters. That's not Carter..." Her voice began to choke out at the end as she placed her face in her hands.

I know what she feels. I want Natasha back every single day, every hour, every minute, but it's not going to happen. She is for sure dead. Carter was confirmed alive it was only fair that Blaze was doing anything for atleast one last chance with her.

"I know how it feels you know that right?"

"Do you? You got that one last adventure with Natasha. Carter was distant for three months leading up to this. I know I shouldn't but to find out you are the reason she was captured it just doesn't sit right with me-."

"Blaze that wasn't my fault-."

"LOOK I KNOW. I'm upset because I was genuinely in love with you Yelena and-and that just messed everything up. Now I feel like I'm back with Kate as if she's some comfort blanket. That's not fair to her and it's not fair to myself either to lie. I do love Kate I-I truly do she's absolutely amazing, but it just feels like she doesn't always understand me like you do, but not like that matters anyways."

I quirked my head to the side. Does she feel trapped with Kate? I'm still here for her. I doubt that our whatever we had will workout for awhile, but why is she acting like I'm no longer an option?

"I see how he looks at you, but I didn't think much of it until I realized how you looked at him. A lot more in your eyes than I ever saw when you looked at me. I just don't know what to do, because I don't think I'm good for you despite you being good for me...I umm I have to go find Kate. Maybe go find Bucky..."

"Wait Barnes-?!"

"Yeah Yelena, Barnes. Trust me?" She gave a faint smile before walking away from me.

"Why are you afraid to be with me? What is that you felt around me that scared you?" She stopped. She didn't turn around though. She just stood there silently.

"Stay away from Kate." She shook her head at she walked away from me. She can't protect her forever. She already saw a glimpse of what can happen yesterday. Kate got stabbed and guess who carried her away. Me, that's right it was me.

I shook my head as I couldn't help but find myself finding my way to his campus room. Who knew I would memorize this place so quickly.

"Can I talk to you?" I turned around to see Wanda standing at her doorway.

"Yeah, umm yeah of course." She opened her door wider welcoming me in. I'm not sure what she wants to talk about, but I couldn't think that it would be anyone else other than Blaze or maybe myself.

"I'm sorry if you were on your way to something important it's just I know you see through her as well...I have reason to believe that when Blaze was kidnapped that they used her as some experiment. I know that you were there that night they caught the prince of Brunei and that assassin was trying to get her. Apparently awhile ago S.H.I.E.L.D. had a small data leak including the files of Blaze and her group."

"So you think Blaze was maybe injected with something and she's hiding it from everyone? I mean maybe she is until she figures things out. Surely it doesn't have to do with the stone or we would definitely. What's so bad if she's waiting to tell us?"

"I think that she's a little dangerous right now. You weren't there in that lab. Her bloodstream had some type of black fluid in it. You know some of Hydra or Dreykov's work they made her into a better maxed out human than Bucky and Steve. So theoretically she would be a good test rabbit."

I could tell Wanda had been deep in thought about this for a minute. Why did she care so much about Blaze? What was the reason behind their friendship.

"Why do you care so much about her?"

"Why does Bucky care so much about you? People like you and Blaze make us see ourselves in a third person view. Blaze has gone through so much and has this power to her that she doesn't even understand. She only does what she thinks is the best for everyone. I see myself in Blaze of course I'm going to care. I also know how dangerous that type of power is."

"I will try to see if I can get a reaction and maybe something to show through. I'll keep you posted. Maybe check out those files she downloaded." I left Wanda's room and changed my mind about going to see Bucky. Wanda's questions and comments had me thinking too much.

I would much rather deal with the situation surrounding him with a much more clear mind. She was definitely right about what she was saying. Blaze was not the same and something is definitely off. I need to talk to Kate about this too, but unfortunately the problem herself is gatekeeping everyone from seeing Kate at the moment.

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