Chapter 1 - Arrival

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You stared around in amazement. Honestly, you felt as though you were in a dream - the landscape and scenery of Encanto seemed like a view from a storybook. The colors were vibrant, the people were happy, and it was just so... joyful and peaceful.

"Mama, is that one of the Mardigals?" Your 5-year-old sister, Victoría, questioned curiously. She was pointing at a tall, muscular woman among the rest of the townspeople, who seemed to be carrying several donkeys with one arm.

"Madrigals," you corrected her.

"Yes, honey. That's Luisa." Your mom answered. Her voice was tired, and she looked just about dead on her feet.

You, your parents, and your siblings, Victoría and Marcó (who was almost 13) had arrived in Encanto just now after trekking across the mountains for several days, almost nonstop. You were traveling to the small town because your parents were going to leave you with your aunt, Tía Roseta, while they went on a long business trip or something. Your father had said Encanto would be worth the long journey, and now, after seeing the magical town in person, you couldn't agree more.

"Here, Mamá, let me help you." You quickly offered, taking her suitcase from her hands, in addition to your own. Your mother gave you a grateful glance.

"Oye, there she is," your dad exclaimed, waving an arm at a woman not far off, wearing a dark green skirt - your Tía Roseta. She immediately began to walk towards your family.

Tía Roseta was fairly short with long gray hair - presently put up in a bun - and a sweet-looking face. However, you knew that was mostly just a facade she wore around your parents. Your aunt had never liked you or your siblings, because she despised kids. When you had visited here as younger children, she basically allowed you and Marcó (Victoría hadn't been born yet) to do anything you wanted. Which was enjoyable, sure, but also signified that she didn't really care about you or what you did very much. She never spent 'quality time' with you if she could avoid it, didn't talk to you for the most part, and never expressed any worry or concern for you.

Not that you were complaining. The feeling was mutual.

Tía Roseta smiled at your parents when she reached your family, not sparing a glance at you or your siblings.

"Hola, mi hermana!" She greeted her sister warmly. They shared a hug, and then she turned towards your father. "Hola, Ricardo," she said to him, embracing him as well.

"Roseta, can we please go to the house?" Your mother asked tiredly. "Estoy tan cansado."
Roseta didn't seem to doubt her. She put a hand on her shoulder, steering her further into the village.
"Of course," she responded. Your father, Ricardo, followed, beckoning to you and your brother. Victoría was already trailing directly behind her mother.

As you walked through the streets behind your family, you couldn't help but gawk at the vividly embroidered skirts that almost everyone wore. You suddenly felt very self-conscious about your own plain beige dress and black cloak - neither of which were very clean at the moment, as a result of the journey you had just taken.

Suddenly you collided with someone else. You stepped back, rubbing your head, and eyed the person in front of you.

Oh... crap.

He was very good-looking.

He looked about your age, and was tall, fairly lanky, and had dark brown, curly hair. His eyes were a luminous hazel, and he had a splash of freckles across his face. He was wearing a warm dandelion-colored ruana, dark jeans, and sandals. He smirked slightly, tilting his head and looking you up and down, before his gaze met yours.

La Luna y El Sol 🌙☀️💛  (Camilo x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now