Part One - Goldfish

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This is the biggest fuck you I have ever received. 

I'm back in my home town after leaving for four years and what do I see? My ex boyfriend plastered over posters, billboards, everything. 

Zachary Miller. We didn't end on bad terms, it was actually great. I was moving, we were seventeen and decided to just stop before we hurt more. 

I'll admit, I used to see him everywhere before coming home but this was extreme, a hell of a lot more exposure to the man I used to love. 

I wandered about my apartment, putting up the final books onto my bookshelf, the last thing I needed to do. Did I tell everyone that I moved back home? No. Did I only just post my location? Yes.

What else was I supposed to do? Text everyone I used to know in hopes that they want to see me? I'd rather not be left on seen. 

I looked at the book on my bedside table, laid out in front of the photo of my family. 

Five years and it was in perfect condition. Not because I was gentle with it whilst reading but because it had his last written words to me inside. 

I flinched, hearing my phone buzz against my bed making my heart sink. It might not even be anything; a phantom notification. buzz. oh fuck. 

I picked it up, seeing multiple notifications.


I was relieved, to say the least. My high school best friend still misses me, still wants to be friends. Flynn Romero, wow I can't believe they finally did it, they're finally together. I remember seeing how he looked at her, I always knew but she was with Liam. 

A sweatshirt and bike shorts, that was my outfit and i was not about to touch my wardrobe after spending so much time making it neat. 

I grabbed my keys, making my way down to the parking lot and driving straight to Flynn's house. It was close by so I was familiar with the street. 

As soon as I parked the car, I noticed that there were three other cars in the driveway. Is he here?I'm going to hyperventilate, how am I supposed to greet him after all this time, fuck. 

Walk, and knock. That was the weirdest knock ever. You dumbass there was a doorbell right there, today's not it. 

There was squealing before the door opened and I was engulfed into a bear hug by Mila. 

"Okay okay um I didn't tell the guys that you were back, I wanted to surprise them" She rambled making my eyes widen. 

She pulled me inside, shutting the door. "Mila, I don't think this is a good idea" I muttered, my legs walking a lot faster than my body. 

We stopped in the living room; Flynn, Zac, Kian and a girl I've never met before?

"Ana?" Zac's voice spoke up, holy woah it was deeper than it used to be. 

I gulped, taking him in. His hair was longer, arms tatted, but those eyes god. 

"Lili" Kian exclaimed, charging toward me as I laughed, feeling him spin me around. 

He's the same goofball he has always been, the funniest guy I know. 

"Hey Kian" I matched his energy, patting his back. 

Flynn got up, smiling at me. "Flynn you finally did it man" I gushed, being pulled into a side hug as he laughed. 

And to the moment I dreaded since I booked my flight home; seeing Zac again. I thought maybe the feelings and missing him was just residual from our relationship but seeing again contradicted that. 

He smiled, pulling me into a hug. "Hey ana" he breathed out.

I looked like a t-rex, the way my arms was positioned, patting his back. "Hey Z" 

We pulled away, all eyes on us, as if we were a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. 

The girl stepped up, looking up at Zac. 

"Oh um this Kara Hayes" He cleared his throat, looking between us awkwardly. 

I could hear Kian holding in his laughter already. 

"Ana? Like from frozen?" She asked, shaking my hand. 

I always got asked that whenever Zac would call me Ana. It was only ever him that did. 

I chuckled nervously, shaking my head. "Liliana Foster, actually or you can call me Lili" I responded. 

She parted her lips, I knew exactly what she was thinking. Why does Zac call me Ana and everyone else, Lili? I don't know either and didn't think he would still call me it.

Mila saved me, bringing me over to the couch so we all sat down. I glanced over at Kian who was suppressing his laughter. 

We're very much the same, laughing whenever we were in an awkward conversation. It's quite an inappropriate coping mechanism. 

I was sitting between two couples and that was not ideal so i got up, sitting beside Kian on the floor. 

A small laugh escaped his lips, triggering me to laugh and then we just lost it. I covered my face, leaning against his shoulder trying to stop myself. 

"You two have not changed" Flynn stated, only making us laugh harder. 

I heard Kara say something but I couldn't distinguish it. "They literally got sent out of class when our teacher told us how her goldfish died because her cat ate it" Mila said, shaking her head. 

That actually made Kian and I laugh more, tears almost leaving my eyes as my stomach clenched. 

"She started crying" I panted, feeling Kian nudge me, covering his face. 

"The moment of silence" Kian added, making me throw my head back, feeling Mila throw a cushion at me.

"Finding Nemo?" I breathed out, hearing Kian gasp before leaning on me, both of us tumbling over like dominos. 

Everyone else joined in laughing, we probably looked like idiots but it felt nice, laughing again. It's been so long since i've felt this happy. 

I think about three minutes later, we finally calmed down so I fanned my face, taking deep breaths. 

"Here, drink" I heard Zac say before passing us two water bottles. 

I notice Kara glance at us weirdly. To her it was simple, for hydration. But Mila and Flynn, they looked shocked; seeing how he remembered that i would get so thirsty after laughing so hard and would literally get nauseous. 

"Are you seeing anyone, Lili?" Kara asked nonchalantly, silencing everyone. 

I couldn't dare to look at Zac but I could feel his eyes on me. I don't even want to get into past relationships. 

I shook my head, "Uh I was last year but not at the moment, no" 

Mila gave me a look, a look guys would see as normal but I could read it. Kara knows about Zac and I, she was trying to make sure I was with someone else. Zac wouldn't have any feelings for me, it's been years and well she seems like an amazing woman and fuck is she beautiful.

"You guys went like viral on twitter, old photos resurfacing, how did you deal with that?" She asked, going straight for it. 

I hummed, feeling my walls just flop, she caught my off guard. 

"Um yeah I was going through some things during that time so social media wasn't really on my radar but I had family contact me about it, it's not a big deal" I explained, half shrugging.

I've still never looked at all the posts, the trending hashtags, nothing. 

Mila and Flynn quickly changed the subject, leaving me to think. My thoughts were all over the place but would pin down to the same person - Zac. 

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