Chapter Twenty Three - Goodbyes

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A week of apologies and sympathetic smiles. The attempts of making me feel better about losing someone... again. He wasn't just someone to me. He much more.

The funeral was numbing. Seeing people who shouldn't even be here, mourning the loss of someone who never deserved to die. Someone who wouldn't even be lowered six foot under because of another person's arrogance and selfishness.

'Liliana, I am so sorry for your loss. I know you hear it so much, but you've done so much more my family' Laura texted me. One good thing that happened was news that Michael was being released early.

That's one family coming together. As mine has fallen apart yet again. I stared at the tombstone, remembering the events from that night.

One Week Earlier

I squeezed Zac's hand, hoping for a miracle. That he'll defy the odds of medicine and wake up right now. Holding on as if his pain would course into my veins, to alleviate even the slightest bit.

Forty-five minutes. It's been forty-five minutes since the doctors updated me on his condition. Forty-five minutes too long.

"Lils" Mila spoke softly, walking into the room.

My eyes remained on Zac, watching as his chest rose with every breath. She sat beside me, sniffling.

"Ayla brought some of Zac's stuff. She found this"

I pressed my lips together, preparing myself to see what it was. As much as I wanted to keep my eyes on him, curiosity got the best of me.

My heart sank, feeling tears immediately brim my eyes. This has to be some cruel joke.

"He was going to propose?" I whispered, shutting my eyes.

Her arms wrapped around me, placing my head against her chest. Zac was planning to propose to me. Tonight. Now he may never get the chance to do it.

I held the ring between my fingers, looking down at my shaky hands. This isn't right, I shouldn't even be seeing this.

"It's not right, Mila" I shook my head, placing it on the table. "It's not fair"

She ran her hands through my hair, whispering comforting words. I needed this the night I lost my parents. And when I lost Eli.

Except Zac's the one I need to wipe my tears. I need him to tell me that he's okay and the wounds will heal; they'll go away. That his love won't ever; it's permanent.

"You should get something to eat or drink, please. He would want you to" she said, blinking back tears.

As much as I wanted to refuse, we both knew she was right. Zac would be horrified if he knew I haven't eaten since this morning or that I haven't had a sip of water.

I nodded, bringing his hand toward my lips. "I love you"

Flynn had left to grab some things from home as Kian went out for fresh air. My heart was aching for the two of them most. The trio have been inseparable since childhood.

The vending machine didn't have anything of interest to me. I stood in front of it, staring.

"Liliana" The doctor spoke up, startling me.

I turned to look at him, seeing the same sympathetic smile.

"I know that the first time we met; you were in unimaginable pain. And now, you see me, and the memories are flooding back"

B4, Hot Cheetos, no. C8, a Snickers bar.

"I can't imagine how you feel right now but Zachary has a chance. He's a fighter, naturally. Please don't give up hope" He pleaded, placing a hand on my shoulder.

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