Part Seven - Happy Birthday

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Her POV //

Hearing him say those words again, it assured me. Maybe we are on the same page; we feel the same way. 

He was the first person to message me, wishing a happy birthday. It was at exactly 2:22am, the time I was born. 

I was dreading my birthday but knowing that he'll be there made it a little exciting for me. 

Mila and I were getting ready in Flynn's room as the guys sat in the living room, entertaining Kian. 

"So... You and Zac" She smirked, looking at me through the mirror. 

I smiled, shaking my head at her. "Aw c'mon we all knew it was gonna happen" she scoffed.

They all anticipated it since I moved here but Z and I weren't just gonna jump right back to where we were. Things have changed, drastically within 5 years. 

We walked out of the room, all eyes on us. Zac smiled at me, straightening his pants as he stood up. 

"You ladies look beautiful" Kian grinned, nodding his head. 

I watched as Flynn held Mila's hand, admiring her beauty. I love their relationship, they both adored each other.

"You look... fuck i can- oh my" Zac stuttered making Kian burst out laughing. 

I smiled up at Zac, tapping his chest. "Breathe" 

He shook his head at Kian and I, rubbing his temples. 

"Beautiful? Gorgeous? Stunning?" Flynn began listing, Zac's cheeks turning pink. 

"All the above" He said confidently before looking down at his phone. "The Uber's here" 

As soon as we walked into the club, the smell of sweat and alcohol mixed together hit us. It was disgusting, I already wanted to leave. 

"Kara's there" Mila called out, all of us following in a single file line. 

I felt Zac place his hand on my waist, protectively until we reached the VIP area. 

There were eyes on us, particularly Zac, gawking and whispering to each other. 

"Aw happy birthday babe" Kara exclaimed, hugging me awkwardly. 

I thanked her, looking around to see a few guys sitting around the seats. 

Kara sat on one of the guys' lap so I looked up at Zac who was already looking at me. "Say the word and I'll pull a sicky" he whispered by my ear.

I laughed, nudging him before seeing a tray of shots being brought over. "From the gentlemen at the bar, Mr Miller" 

We all glanced over seeing the men wave. Zac chuckled, waving back at them before everyone began taking them down. 

All but Zac and I. 

"Why aren't you drinking?" I asked, feeling his arm rest behind me. 

He swiped his tongue across his bottom lip, "Why aren't you?"

Touché. Despite being twenty two, I have not had even a drop of alcohol in exactly two years now. With the legal limit being 18, I drank at parties but everything changed. 

I've endured one hour of watching everyone drink, Kian get up and dance as Mila and Flynn slow danced to upbeat songs and Zac have many people come up to him. 

"Hey, you're here with Z-zac" A man slurred, trying to get past security. 

I smiled lightly at him, nodding. 

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