Part Five - Zac's Delivery

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Her POV //

I sat on my bed, slipping my shoes off. His words replayed in my head. Tell them I said hi and I miss them.

They always loved Zac. My parents absolutely adored him, so did my little brother Eli. They were so proud of him, watched every fight they could on the TV. Eli even begged our parents to let him box.

I scrolled through my contacts, hovering over mum's. You can do this Lili, you'll hear their voice and everything will be okay. You'll be okay.

After three rings, it sent me to voicemail.

"Hi, this is Sara, Henry, Lili and Eli Foster. Sorry you missed us. Leave a message after the beep!"

I breathed out, lying onto my bed.

"I did it guys, I'm in my new apartment and everything's going well. I reunited with everyone, yes even Zac. He says hi and he misses you guys. I miss you guys, even you Eli. It's my birthday in two days. I'm nervous, a birthday without you guys isn't exactly exciting but apparently we're gonna go to some club. I don't know. I love and miss you guys so much" I spoke into the phone.

It disconnected, tears streaming down my cheeks as I looked up at my phone in my hands, the contact photo of us as a family.

As if it were in slow-motion, the phone slipped out my hands, landing right onto my mouth making me groan.

"Son of a bitch" I winced, holding onto my lip feeling blood pool into my hand.

Good job, Lili bust your lip two days before your birthday, aren't you smart.

I cleaned it up in the bathroom, only having a slight cut on the bottom left side.

My laptop intrigued me. I think i'm ready to see all the #Ziana stuff. I can do it, it's harmless.

I lied, it hurt. I spent two hours looking through every photo and video, reliving it all.

"You're so beautiful. I love you Ana"

It was a mistake; ending it with him. I know that and I think I always have but the damage was done and he looked happy.

I heard my phone buzz, making me sit up to check it. I'm not risking it again, that hurt.

Z: What apartment number do you live in?
Me: 22, why?
Z: I could bet on my life that you haven't eaten yet.
Z: Food will be delivered in 10 :)
Me: Z what the fuck, no. Take it back.

What the hell? Why would he do that? I think I'm gonna cry again.

He didn't reply so I sat in the kitchen until the buzzer went off. I walked toward the intercom.

"Hi this is Zac's delivery service" His voice spoke so i buzzed him in.

What an idiot. I couldn't stop laughing. He could've just said he was going to come over with food.

Once there was a knock at the door, I opened it, letting him in. He smelt amazing, and to think he just trained. Like obviously he showered but god, this man smelt like heaven.

"You really didn't have to do all this, Z. Thank you" I chuckled, sitting across from him at the table.

He smiled at me, before his jaw clenched as he stood up. "Give me the name"

I tilted my head at him, confused. "Who did this to you, Ana?" he asked, standing beside me.

I stifled my laugh, "Ohh Liliana Foster. I dropped my phone on my face" I clarified.

He relaxed, shaking his head. "Careful Ana. Does it hurt?" He asked, lifting my chin up.

He's touching me. His hand is under my chin. I'm melting.

"Nope, I'm okay Z" I managed to say.

He nodded, sitting in the seat beside me, handing me some food. "I'm hoping you still love Chinese?" He asked.

I smiled, nodding my head eagerly, opening the container to see my favourite; special fried rice, and coconut prawns. He remembers.

We talked like old times, turns out that he continued watching Criminal Minds after we broke up so we spent majority of the time talking about that whilst eating.

Once we were done, I noticed him glancing at the balcony. I haven't properly spent time there yet, why not now.

I gestured for him to follow me, sliding the doors open as he followed me before sitting on the couch.

"This place is amazing Ana, it's very you" He breathed out, smiling at me.

That smile. How am I supposed to remain calm?

"So, relationships weren't on the table for you? Or did you just keep it lowkey, I know you said you don't do public relationships" I began rambling.

He rested his arm behind me, on the couch as he chuckled.

"Well honestly, no relationships. I was so focused on my career then the Ziana thing blew up so I guess girls were threatened" He explained.

Huh? Threatened by what?

"It's not that i was even looking for a relationship but y'know, everyone knew about it, saw it so they knew that I'd always choose you, that it would always be you and I never denied it"

I don't think i heard him correctly. Is he saying what? Well he spoke in past tense... stop being an idiot.

I smiled, turning away, looking at the view.

"Me too, Z. There was only one guy but uh it was after the Ziana thing. Turns out that he was only with me because he thought he would have a chance at meeting you or something" I admitted.

That was so embarrassing and I can't believe I just told him that. I glanced at him, noticing his brows furrow.

"Well Kara's not threatened" I shrugged, only ruining this.

He snickered, rolling his eyes.

"I think even you know by now that it's not happening. She wants Flynn and Mila's too nice to stop being friends with her. We haven't even talked in days beside whenever the group's together" He explained.

Oh shit, so I wasn't just making it all up in my head.

I felt him shift, moving closer toward me making me shiver. I missed his touch, his warmth. I miss him.

We looked at each other, absorbing everything, taking in our features that haven't changed, recognising them again.

I love him, I regret losing him and I want to make us work again.

I opened my mouth to speak before his phone buzzed, startling us. Phones are the biggest cockblocks.

"Ugh sorry it's my manager, with the fight tomorrow and all" He groaned, resting his head against the back of the couch.

I smiled at him, standing up and extending my hand out. "Go, rest. I'll see you tomorrow" I said sternly.

We stared at each other blankly for a few seconds before bursting out laughing. He took my hand, pulling himself up, standing in front of me with nothing but our clothes separating us.

"Goodnight Ana" He spoke softly, cautiously moving the hair from my face.

I smiled, feeling his fingers graze my skin, setting it alight.

"Goodnight Z" I responded, shutting my eyes as he placed a gently kiss against my head.

This is happening. Zachary Miller and Liliana Foster. Reunited and Reignited. Okay that was horrible.

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