~Season Two-Chapter Twelve~ We X Are The X Adlers

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~~~~Farah's POV~~~~

I throw Emilia into her room as I close the door behind me, locking it. I then reach into my pockets, pulling out my two throwing knives, standing guard of the girl across from me.

"Why are you trying to fight me?" I ask her then she lunges at me.

I slide to the left as her hand swipes in the air then I lift up my elbow, hitting the middle of her back. She gasps then drops to the floor, laying there with ragged breaths, trying to catch her breath again.

"Did you see Corban's Nen?" I ask her then she sits up, whipping her hair out of her face and looking at me.

"Yeah," she answers, "why does that matter?" She asks me then I crouch in front of her, pressing my finger on her forehead, making her squint.

"Because his ability, not only deals with shadows and dark magic, but it can make a person lose their mind from seeing it if they're not mentally strong enough." I explain then I walk away from her.

"So is that why I attacked you?" Emilia asks as she stands up.

"Yeah because I wouldn't let you see Ivette." I answer then she looks up at me.

"You're Farah then?" She asks then I nod.

"I don't go by Adler anymore, so just call me Farah and no honorifics please." I introduce as I sit on her couch. "How did you know my name?" I ask her, looking at Emilia in confusion.

"Your cousin, Daiki." She answers then I hum.

"Man, I haven't heard or seen him in a really long time." I comment. "How's he doing?" I ask her with a smile.

"What's wrong with Ivette?" Emilia asks me then I shake my head.

"It's no offense to you, Emilia, but it's no one else's business besides mine and my immediate family members." I answer with a small smile. "She's not dangerous, don't worry. She's very curious and doesn't understand boundaries or social queues very well." I tell her as I stand up.

"Why was she so bothered--"

"Emilia," I interrupt as I walk towards the door, "here's one thing you should learn as you get older and from a Crime Hunter." I tell her as I look at her. "Don't ask someone too many questions when first meeting them if you're suspicious of them. It makes you a target. Keep that in mind." I warn her then I unlock the door. "It was nice meeting you, Emilia, I'm sure we'll be in touch." I tell her then I walk out of the room and into the hallway.

"Dammit now I have to talk to Zayn..."

I walk down the hallway back to my room, seeing Ivette sitting on the couch, not moving as Zayn talks on the phone and Dad sits in front of my sister, trying to get her to talk.

"Is she okay?" I ask as I walk in, closing the door behind me.

"Her brain shut off." Dad answers as Ivette just stares at the ground, her hands in her lap. "She was beginning to spiral, but we managed to get her to calm down." He adds as he gives her a small smile, almost a frown. "Do you want some more water, Ivy?" He asks, softly, with no response.

"Uncle Raiden said that he's on his way." Zayn responds then he stands behind Dad. "Is this how auntie Ria was when she was in the hospital?" He asks then Dad shrugs.

"Only Raiden knows. I wasn't there for any of it." Dad answers solemnly. "I was the one who put her in the hospital." He reminds us then he stands up.

"Right, I forgot..." Zayn mutters then his phone rings again and a smile appears on his face. "It's Damaris, I gotta answer this." He tells us with glee as he steps away, answering his phone. "Καλημέρα στην όμορφη και καταπληκτική γυναίκα μου. (Good morning, to my beautiful and amazing wife)" He greets.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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