~Chapter Twenty-Five~ Capture X And X Kill

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~~~~Maeko's POV~~~~

"Where the hell were you?!" I ask Aria as she gets into the car.

"Something came up." She answers then she sits back holding her head. "Lucifer was being a bitch and got summoned somewhere, I don't even know where." She explains then she takes a deep breath.

"Leorio, head South, they're going to Castor." Kurapika instructs then Leorio starts driving faster.

We reach in front of a station then Gon, Aria, and I all get out of the car as we chase after the Spiders and follow behind Kurapika. They continue to run on the sides of buildings and jump off of them.

"Aria, jump up and follow them!" I instruct then Chrollo, Machi, and Shizuku all turn around.

I jump into the alleyway with Kurapika while Gon and Aria hide behind a trash can. Kurapika takes out his hand and I shake my head at him, but he ignores me. Gon and Aria then jump out from behind the trash can and our eyes widen.

"I'm sorry, okay?" Gon apologizes. "We'll stop following you. Just forget it!" He adds then Aria sighs.

"You two again?" Machi asks.

"The two you mentioned, is it them?" Chrollo asks then Machi stands there.

"The other two are here." Machi reveals then Killua walks up next to me. "Come on out." She coaxes then Killua and I step out of the alleyway. "Well? The Mafia reward has been canceled, so what do you want with us?" Machi questions.

"Wait, it has?" Killua asks.

"We didn't know!" I lie then Chrollo stares at us.

"What do we do, boss?" Machi asks.

"Seize them." Chrollo answers then Machi takes out her Nen string and ties our hands behind our backs.

"Should we dispose of them here?" Machi asks.

"No, I have faith in your instincts. If they're connected to the chain user somehow, we should keep them alive." Chrollo explains.

"My instincts aren't all that trustworthy." Machi comments.

"Hey, can I ask a question?" Gon requests then Aria shakes her head. "How can you kill people who have nothing to do with you?" Gon asks Chrollo then Aria kicks her brother.

"Γαμώτο ηλίθιο! (Fucking idiot!)" She insults, shaking her head.

"You have a lot of hostility for someone who's just surrendered." Chrollo comments. "Perhaps because, they've nothing to do with us? No. On second thought, it's not that simple. My motives are unimportant right now. I don't like speaking of them." Chrollo explains then I gulp. "But surprisingly enough, or, as I expected the reason's the key to understanding myself." Chrollo rambles then we all look at each other confusingly.

"Your explanations are so confusing." Aria comments and Chrollo ignores her.

"Head to the hotel and wait for Phinks and the others. If they try to escape, kill them." Chrollo orders Machi and Shizuku.

"Understood." Machi agrees then she starts to walk with us down the street.

We continue to walk down the street then into an alleyway, where Chrollo answers the phone from one of the troupe members. I look at Gon and Killua then Aria and we were all silent with each others.

"Alright. We'll be waiting in the lobby of the hotel." Chrollo tells Pakunoda then he hangs up the phone. "Looks like they found out the chain user's identity." Chrollo reveals then our eyes widen. "That just leaves three more. Let's go." Chrollo adds then we walk out of the alleyway.

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