~Chapter Twenty-Six~ Greed X Island X Test

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"There's your target." Zepile tells us as a man with five bodyguards around him and paparazzi surrounding. "The tycoon, Mr Battera." Zepile tells us then Aria looks at him in confusion.

"I'm confused, why are we going after him?" Aria questions.

"He's putting together some kind of team to go into the game. If we get to him, we're able to get into the game." I explain then a reporter walks up to Battera.

"What do I have my eye on?" He repeats. "That would be Greed Island, of course." He answers.

"Why are you so interested in the game?" The reporter asks him. "You've spent a considerable amount on it by now." She adds.

"It's love. When you fall in love with something, you naturally want to have it all to yourself." He explains then he walks away.

"What kind of love are you talking about?" She asks him. "There are many rumors flying around. Any comments?" She asks again then Aria nods.

"I'll help get a hold of him." Aria tells us then we all look at her in confusion.

"Why you?" Killua asks then Aria smacks him upside the head.

"The hell do you mean 'why you'?! Huh?!" She asks then Killua chuckles in fear. "I actually have a charismatic personality when I want to with some people." She mentions then Gon starts to laugh then he immediately stops as she shoots a glare at him. "And I can become uncharismatic very quickly if you want to test me." Aria warns then she scoffs.

We then walk into the auction hall and take our seats in the hall. I look around then face the stage as they began to auction off items.

"Our next item is the fabled game, Greed Island!" The auctioneer announces and gasps were heard throughout the room. "Let's take a look at the mysterious power this game contains." The auctioneer adds.

A tall and muscular man with a giant mallet walks onto the stand as the auctioneer walks to the side and the man tries to smash the game, but fails.

"As you can see, there is a mysterious power that protects the console from any damage, as long as someone is playing inside." She explains then she snaps her fingers and a man appears on the screen. "This man is Jeitsari. He is a player who's inside the game at this moment. In fact, he's the one who signed a contract allowing us to auction it off. Jeitsari left behind the following agreement:" she continues then pulls out a folder, "'If we cannot clear this game before the date specified in the contract, seven active players, including myself, will present seven copies of the game and console to the Southernpiece Auction, so talented young Hunters can clear the game and fulfill our dream.'" She reads then Aria sighs.

"The game must be really difficult then." She comments and I nod.

"No one has won the game yet." I tell her then she nods.

"Unfortunately, when we obtained these copies, two already displayed 'Game Over' screens. That means the players also died in real life. This dangerous game requires that you risk your own life!" She warns. "Please bid only if you're prepared for the consequences." She advises then we smile. "Let's start the bidding at nine hundred million Jenny!" She announces and our eyes widen.

"I have one billion!"

"I have one point five billion!"

"A hundred five doubles it to three billion!"

"Seventy-one doubles it again to six billion!"

"Killua, isn't that your brother?!" I ask him as his eyes widen.

"So you indicate how much you're bidding with your hand?" Gon asks Zepile.

"Yeah, the auctioneer is able to instantly discern the highest bid." Zepile explains.

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