10 Word Challenge

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 "You dare challenge me to a duel?" Journeyman-mage Hollis declared. "Do you even know how to cast a spell without consulting your textbook?"

"I think I've got it covered," his opponent answered smugly. "Does that mean you refuse?"

"Hardly," he sneered. "I have nothing to fear. With your improvised witchery, you couldn't hit a target as big as a wall."

"Then start counting," she demanded.

"I doubt you even know how to duel," he continued.

"What are you, made of ceramic?" she taunted. "Or maybe your staff is drooping, Hol."

"What?" he sputtered in outrage. "You didn't! I swear by the stars that you'll regret that, you vulgar little hoyden...!"

"Hollis!" An older woman's voice barked sternly. "Stop calling your sister names!"

Guiltily, Hollis twisted to look behind him. "But, Mother, she started it!" he argued.

"Evergreen!" High-mage Linden continued. "That's quite enough from you as well."

"Curses!" the young girl half-giggled. "Foiled again!"

"I said, enough! Honestly, twelve-year old wizardlings are the worst," the mage complained. "Couldn't the two of you study in peace and quiet for just a few hours? I'm in middle of crafting a highly complex spell to lift the kingdom's drought."

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