"Lunch Date Gone Wrong"

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 "Two months' lead time for reservations and the volcano decides to erupt today?" I grumbled. "We sure drew the short straw! We didn't even finish the salad course! I heard the sweets here are to die for too. Not literally, of course."

"Every cloud has a silver lining, even an eruption plume!" My boyfriend shouted back cheerfully, barely audible over the distant roar of the eruption. "This could be the best day of my career!" He pulled out his camera and began clicking away.

"Wait a moment!" I protested. "Shouldn't we focus on something more urgent like, you know, escaping?"

"I promise we'll go soon. Just a few more shots," he answered distractedly.

While I had always supported his career choices, my patience had limits. A screaming whistle filled the air and a rock crashed out of the sky only about thirty feet away. It sizzled ominously. "We need to get off the balcony!" I shrieked.

"But it's exactly the right vantage point," he argued.

"Henry, the awning is on fire!"

"So it is," he said in surprise. "All right. I assume we don't need to leave a tip?"

"Just run!" I screamed.

As we dashed down the stairs, through the restaurant and into the street, we only traveled a block before Henry tripped on an abandoned roller-skate, crashing heavily to the ground. "I think my leg's broken!" he yelled.

I bent to help him stand, but flinched as I heard another deafening whistle. When I gazed up, a boulder hurtled towards us, looming over us like a full moon...

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