Part 2

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Hey guise. Sorry for not updating but I had a busy week and after i wrote the first part I thought that people will read my fan-fic and leave a comment to let me know what you guise think 'bout it.


Eli: You remember, when you tweeted me for the first time I was really happy that we have international fans too, and I felt a bit disappointed because you couldn't attend one of our concert...I understand you, because when I was 18 years old I wanted to go to a concert but I hadn't the opportunities and I had school too, so I didn't attended the concert. For this thing I want to help you to come on our concert and be by your side. So as I told you I have some news. At my company is a competition for international fans ONLY. The competition will start this week and the participants will have to give a reason why they attended the competition and me and my band will pick the winners. Of course, there will be just one winner and the winner can take a friend with him/her. So, if you win the competition you will be able to: to visit our company and see how we produce and make a song, and in the recoding studios, will come to our concert in the VIP are and can come backstage and if the winner have dance or singing skill can perform on-stage with us, or appear in one of our music videos. You are the first person who founded out, because the information wasn't made public yet. I hope that you will win.

When I read what he wrote I was really excited...but what can I do to win this competition? If I win I'll be able to see my love of my life...

Ella: Wow, this sounds awesome, but I'll have to win, but that won't be easy...

Eli: You can win...don't be afraid, I'll help you to win. Just enter the competition and I'll make sure you win. You deserve to win. Because...You're my friend, and not a fan...

Ella: Ok then, thanks a lot, my friend :)

Eli: I'm really happy that I've found a normal girl and fan, because you're not like the other don't like us for our bodies or face or like how we sing, and that's very important to me. Thanks <3.

Ella: I'm happy to that you believe me.

The next day Ella entered the competition. entered the just wait...for about 1-2 weeks I won't be able to use my twitter or other social sites, because the company don't want to let the fans make us decide and vote in their favor. I'll write you as soon as the results are out. Fighting. Hugs <3 Take care

Ella: Ok, I'll wait. Take care. Hugs ^^

All I have to do is wait. If I don't win? What I'm goin' to do? I won't get the chance to go to their concert. Hope Eli and his members will chose wisely...

After 2 hours in their company U-Kiss are in a room and talking about the winner.

Eli: So, guise, we have to chose this girl, Ella, because she gives good reasons why she entered the competition. The others wrote that want to meet us and do now what I mean.

Dongho: Yes, we could chose her because she seems to be innocent and sincere. Now-a-days you barely find a fan that likes you for your character than your appearance, and if we don't chose her, than nobody will know that there are true fans too, I want to show to the other fans that...

Dongho got interrupted by...Kevin: Yes, hyung is right, she deserves to win...and I think that I'll be a good friend for her.

Eli: Yah, Kevin-ah, she will be friend with me...don't even think...

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