Part 15: I got my heart right here. I got my scars right here...

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I went to bed thinking of Jae...after I saw that fan-cam in which sings a song and cries. When I saw that, my whole world crashed. I wanted so badly to be with him in that moment and hug him. My heart was in pain once again. I knew that something will happen with him, after the incindent, when was the storm...

I wanted to sleep but I couldn't sleep.

Somebody was knocking at the door I went and opened, I couldn’t believe who was there.

“Yah, you knows what time it is?!” I asked the boy.

“I know…but today is a special day” said the boy.

I wiped my eyes and leaved the boy to enter and sat down at the table.

The boy was Lee Joon.  Since I didn’t saw him for a long time, he had a new hair cut and got a new hair colour…a chocolate brown. I couldn’t see other details, because I was still sleepy.

“What’s so important that you came here in the middle of the night and woke me up?” I asked Lee Joon.

“You came here in Korea, 1 month ago. So, let’s celebrate your 1 month stay in Korea” said he and smiled.

“1 month?! That much passed? Whoa, time does fly really fast” I said surprised.

“Yep. We didn’t talked for 1 week now” said Lee Joon coming closer to me.

I didn't wanted to celebrate now...I'm not in the mood.

"Come on, let's go" said Lee Joon enthusiastically.

"What? Where? Now?!" I asked him in panic.

"Yeah, why not? We're going out" said Lee Joon.

"I mean...I'm not in the mood, sorry Lee Joon. Maybe next time" I said.

"Come on now" said Lee Joon and looked at me with puppy eyes.

"Ok, we'll go, but please, I don't want to stay much" I said.

"No prob, we won't stay much" said he and smiled.

I quickly dressed up and went out. It was in the middle of the night...where could we go? Is there something open, at this time? Oh, I forgot that we were in Seoul...

"Where are we going? Is there something open?" I asked him.

"Of course. We're going to the cinema. I prepared this in time. What, you thought that I didn't thought about that?" asked me playfully.

"No..." I said thinking of Jae.

He's going to have another concert today...

We went to the cinema and watched a movie...I don't know about what was the moovie, because I was thinking about Jae the whole time.

Suddenly Lee Joons laughter woke me up from thinking...

We went out of the cinema and a breex touches my face...

"They are so stupid" said Lee Joon and pointed to some boys who were on the street and were dressed like girls and were taking photos.

"That's silly" I said and laughed. I didn't wanted to let him now what I was thinking about...

We then went and eat ice-cream.

He looked so happy and pleased, I didn't wanted to upset him.

Suddenly he took some cream from a plate and put it on my nows.

"Lee Joon-ah!!" I said and looked at him.

"Haha!" said Lee Joon.

"Come here. I want to show you something" I said and took some cream.

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