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I sat in the middle row near the window in my classroom. Mirabel Madrigal sat directly behind me. While she was a part of the most popular family in the town, she was ignored because she had no gift. The two of us were always trying to help out the town even without a gift, which is why I guess we were friends. Both of us were alone so we ate lunch together and soon we became close.

The matemáticas teacher was telling us to practice certain math solutions over the next week, we had the week off because everybody was preparing for Antonio's gift ceremony. Nobody was paying attention, everybody was waiting for the church bells to ring so we could leave. Even I was impatient. I scribbled down on a small piece of paper in front of me then passed it to Mirabel.

'Can we go to your place after school to do this work?'

She read it and scribbled something down, then passed it back into my hand.

'Yeah, sure!'

I smiled back at her then looked at her cousin behind her, Camilo. I've had a crush on him for a while but have never really told anybody. After all, it's a small town and I don't want to risk him knowing that.

Camilo had his head on his desk and his back rose and fell as he breathed evenly. He was sleeping. I raised an eyebrow at Mirabel then nodded over to Camilo. She looked back and rolled her eyes before kicking backward and hitting his leg. He woke with a start as he looked around, Mirabel and I quickly turned around laughing under our breaths.

Then the church bells rang.

Everybody quickly jumped out of their seats and started walking and running out of the classroom and out of the school. I waited for Mirabel and Camilo to get up as I sat on my desk and watched them pack, well mostly Camilo if I'm being completely honest.

The three of us walked out of school together and I just listened to Camilo and Mirabel complain about the teacher, Camilo started making impressions of her as we walked making Maribel and I laugh.

It was nice to walk home with the two of them but it would get awkward after a while because the two of them would be talking and I would just quietly stare at the road, Camilo didn't know me very well.

We made it to Casa Madrigal and walked inside, Camilo went to his room while I greeted Julieta and Agustin in the kitchen while Mirabel grabbed us something to drink. 

Julieta offered to make us some empanadas and how could I say no. We waited for her to finish a plate full and thanked her before going upstairs to finish our homework.

"How cruel is it for them to give us homework for the break!" I groaned as I sat on one side of Mirabel's bed.

"I know right like why couldn't they just let us be free of school?" she snickered a bit as she complained as well. I took an empanada in my hand and had a bite and felt like melting, they were so good.

"Alright what should we start first?" I asked as I took out my notebook.

"Matemáticas? I mean it makes the most sense since we just finished it," she said as she pulled out her colorful journal. 

I nodded and we got to work.




Antonio came in soon enough as well and asked us what we were doing. I explained it to him and the poor boy looked so confused. Mirabel and I laughed and gave him hugs. 

I patted his head and asked if he was going to go to the Biblioteca tomorrow for story time and he shook his head sadly.

"I have to get ready for the gift ceremony, I wish I could come though!" he looked up at me with his bright smile he always wore.

"Crush" (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now