Chapter Twenty

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This is a triple update. Please make sure you read Chapters 18 & 19 first. Enjoy!

Harry switched out of his work clothes, and into something more comfortable. It was Saturday, and instead of the day he had planned with Ivy, he hid away in his office. He would most certainly hear about it from his father, since they were both breaking the contract, but he would deal with it. Harry wasn't sure he could stand to be around her.

Their fight had echoed through his mind constantly. She was right that he had pushed her away, but she was digging herself too deep into him, etching her essence into his skin like his tattoos. He lost his head in that abandoned warehouse. Those men could have been more useful, but Harry couldn't even handle them baiting him. Even now the memory of their taunts pissed him off.

He needed some fucking space, so he took it. Ivy and him were nothing but a business deal, and he needed to remind himself of that.

What he didn't expect was for her to be so hurt by it. She played it off well in public, but her stunt with that goddamn video and the engagement announcement was clear as day. She wanted to get under his skin, and she was one of the only people who possessed that innate ability. If he had been smart, he would've acted like it didn't matter, but instead he decided to go to her place and wait for her. The fact that he had to sit there for hours while she was out only made him angrier.

That's why he snapped when she was finally there. Both of them tossed liquor into the flames, destroying whatever little trust and respect they had for each other.

A knock at the door stole his attention. He walked over, opening it without checking. The only people who could get up here were ones he had personally given keys to. So, three people.

It was Griffin on the other side, looking stone faced as usual.

Harry turned and walked back down the hall towards the living room, expecting Griffin to follow. He heard the door click behind him, and asked, "What did you find out?"

"One of the men definitely worked at the strip club, so our hunch was right." He said, "She told me that he wasn't happy the day after the shooting. Destroyed his office or something. Took one of the girls upstairs, and no ones seen her since."

"Think she's still alive?"

"Doubtful." Griffin grunted, "But it's worth looking into, just in case."

Harry rubbed his face harshly, "We need to get someone on the inside. Someone we can trust more than the dancer."

His lieutenant stiffened, "We can trust her."

"Maybe." Harry allowed, "But she's still too vulnerable there. We can't have her go missing, and then be left with nothing."

Griffin didn't answer right away. "I'll get someone in there. There's something else, though."


"The owner, goes by Mr. Peters-" Harry snorted. "Probably not his real name. He has a type."

This froze him. He knew what Griffin was going to say before the words were out.

"White, dark hair, green eyes."

Harry looked at him, "You think it's him?"

"CeCe sent me a picture of the missing girl."

Harry notices the way Griffin says the dancer's name, but lets it pass. He held out his phone and shows Harry the girl. There was a semblance to Ivy. The pale skin, nearly black hair. The eyes were a different shade of green, not nearly as striking. He could understand why she would be chosen, though. If you couldn't have the real thing...

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