Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Greta was more nervous for this meeting than the other two by miles. Ivy could see why.

While Ivy's family and Ren Hayashi are intimidating, the Dvorsky clan is something else. Maybe it was the sheer size of them. Saskie, their leader, sat across from them, sitting back in her chair like a throne. A permanent frown graced her square face. Her two head enforcers, Anton and Danek, were behind her. Anton leaning against the back wall, leg propped up and arms crossed, Danek standing like a caveman near her chair. Ivy wouldn't be surprised if Danek had a few screws loose from the head shots he's taken while fighting. Tatiana was off to the side, looking as bored as ever, but there was a sharp gleam to her eyes that Ivy could see, which meant Greta was picking up on the vibe as well.

Tatiana Dvorsky was terrifying. Known for her cruelty and lack of empathy, she was probably the most ruthless heir in Queenstown. There were some rumors that she killed just for fun, but Ivy had also heard that the woman only targeted certain types of men. Men that Ivy really couldn't muster up even an ounce of sympathy for.

Ivy had respect for the woman. She, herself, was known to have rumors spread around about her, so she knew not to take everything word for word. Although, if she had to put money down, she would suspect Tatiana of being responsible for the deaths of many deplorable men.

For Greta, she could only imagine facing these four. At least Ivy and Harry were only two people.

"And what of your brother?" Saskie asked. She had heard their proposal.

Greta shook her head, "He has no interest in any of this."

"Why should we believe you?"

Greta glanced at Harry, but he let her answer. "What would we gain for lying?"

Saskie considered this. "I haven't figured that out yet."

"C'mon, Saskie," Harry said, "we all know Greta and Angelo have never been a part of this world. There's a reason why."

Anton, from behind, spoke up, "Or maybe you've been playing the long game."

Harry actually rolled his eyes. "Since birth?"

He went to refute, but Saskie held her hand up to stop him. He silenced, following his sister's demand.

"So, the spiders," Saskie started, "you want to extend an olive branch to them."

"Yes, they deserve it."

"How so?"

Harry cocked his head, "Do you really need to ask that? Where do you think any of us would be without them?"

"I guess that's true." Saskie contemplated, although Ivy was certain that Saskie was well aware of the importance of the spiders, and she just wanted to see what Harry said in response.

"And how have we all been now that they've disappeared?"

"Shouldn't that be a reason why we're more hesitant to give them the spot?"

Harry sat back. Neither of them said anything for a long moment. The silence stretched as they considered one another. Finally, he said, "Do you remember, months ago, when one of my spiders was found on your docks? Dead."

"Yes." She answered, "You showed up at our family pub."

"I did. And did your siblings tell you what I said?"

Saskie paused. "That someone was pitting us against each other."

"His name was Rocky." Harry stated, "He was just a teenager. It took me a long time to realize exactly why it was him who was targeted. Especially considering the spiders looked to be siding with the enemy."

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