Chapter Fifty

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Harry couldn't sleep. He was exhausted and fatigued, his body so heavy it felt like he was sinking into their king size bed, yet his mind was too busy to allow him to rest. Ivy slept next to him, curled up on her side, hand laying across his chest, directly over his heart. Just laying there, his abdomen didn't hurt. There was a small phantom pain, but nothing too much. Breathing had gotten easier and his headache was mild at worst.

Theoretically, he should be able to fall asleep easily tonight. Rest was the only thing that truly guaranteed a fast recovery, and he wouldn't get much of that during the day, so he needed this time to heal.

But there was too much on his fucking mind. Ivy dropping the bomb that Greta and Angelo Bianchi were his half siblings had his mind reeling. It honestly didn't surprise him all that much. It's not like his father kept it a secret from him that he fucked Isabella Bianchi while he was married to his mom. He would've thought they would be smarter about it, though.

And how the fuck has no one found out about Patrick's connection to Antonio Bianchi's disappearance? The spider's have a much more detailed and organized system than anyone in the circle knew, this hidden information, their royal flush, would destroy the Bianchi name if gotten out.

Of course, it seemed like they only knew of his father's involvement in Antonio Bianchi's murder and not the fact that he sired two children with another head of family. That information itself would put them all on their knees.

All of that was overshadowed by the fact that Harry now had a brother and sister. Two siblings that he didn't get the chance to know growing up. Two siblings he hasn't been able to protect. He kept thinking back to that meeting he had with Greta. How, in his bones, he knew he could trust her. How her little quirks had entertained him rather than annoyed him.

It was like his very being knew what was right in front of him.


Harry tried to remember Angelo. Little glimpses of him throughout the years weren't enough, though. He was there at the contract signing, barely paying attention to anyone around him, and again at his and Ivy's wedding. He doesn't think he's said one word to him, though.

They were both younger than Harry, but not by much. Greta was a year or two, while Angelo was about five years younger. In school, they had never had any classes together, but he didn't with any of the heirs. All throughout private school, they were kept separate. And Greta hadn't gone to Uni with them afterwards - although it looks like she never needed it.

An inkling of pride blossomed in his chest at the thought of her being smart enough to trace Dev's online trail. Dev was a ghost online, used to hacking government sites just for fun. It took a lot of skill to outsmart him. Dev was already a little miffed that she was able to do that, and almost didn't believe that she had in the first place.

"Why are you awake? Are you hurting?"

The question came out barely legible, Ivy's voice heavy with sleep. He turned his head, their noses nearly touching, to see her squinting at him.

His laugh was husky, low and rough. She could barely keep her eyes open she was so tired, and yet she was asking him how he was. "I'm fine, heiress. Just thinking about things."

"What things?" She continued.

"We can talk in the morning." He said softly, "Why don't you go back to sleep, baby."

She groaned, shifting so she could prop her head up on her hand, and look at him better, "I'm up. What's going through your head so late?"

With a heavy sigh, Harry stared back up at the ceiling, "Greta." He answered, "And Angelo."

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