The Danger Begins

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Henry and I invited Jasper and Charlotte to study with us in our house, well.. The only one studing is Charlotte and I, Henry is looking for a part-time job and Jasper is looking at the news about Captain Man, the one and only superhero that saves our town

" hey, did you guys see what Captian Man did yesterday?" Jasper asked us, I look over my shoulder to see he's showing it on his laptop to Henry, my brother

" can we focus on algerbra?" Charlotte asked in annoyance, I'm sitting on the couch and I nodded to the two boys in agreement of my friend here

" there was a fire at a pet store and Captian Man ran inside right through the flames and saved all the animals and he didn't even get hurt" Jasper said to my brother, ignoring Charlotte and I

" Captain Man never gets hurt" Henry stated, " he's a beast"

" you know, someday when you guys cleaning my swimming pool cause you failed this algebra test then flunked out of school, I hope you remember this moment cause I will" Charlotte said to them

They give her weird looks, Jasper goes behind our counter

" hey, here's a cool job I could do" Henry said and put his foot on a table Charlotte is working on, " foot model"

Charlotte and I share a weird expression to each other

" you guys, could we go over the list for my party?" Jasper asked us, breaking our stare and turn to him

" sure" Henry answers

" no" I answers in annoyance

Every party Jasper helds, it always goes out wrong.

" no" Henry corrected himself

" but I invited fifty two people" Jasper try to reason with us, " and nobody's texted me back yet, what does that mean?"

" that people have been to your parties before?" I answers with sarcasm

" oh come on, my parties aren't that bad" Jasper tells me

" Christmas, three years ago fifteen kids ended up in the hospital" Charlotte reminds him

" cause of your raw turkey" Henry added

" it was turkey sushi" Jasper corrects him

" a boy almost died" I said to him

" almost!" Jasper corrects me while pointing at me

I hold my fist up, getting ready to beat this boy up while I glare at his soul

" okay!" Henry said and lower my fist, " first person who helps me find a after school job gets this bowl of pine cones"

Jasper gasp as Henry shows us the bowl of pine cones

" why do you even need a job?" Charlotte asked him

" you know to learn responsibility, challenge myself-" Henry starts to answer

I scoffed

" he wants money" I tell Charlotte

" I want money" Henry agrees with me

" money's good" Charlotte said to him

" can we please talk about my birthday?" Jasper asked again, going back to that topic

Charlotte and I sigh as we go over to him to the counter

" am I gonna have to slap a boy?" Charlotte asked him

" Henry, can you please tell me in the wor--" I hear mom said to my brother coming down the stairs with the landuray basket, she turns to our direction, " hi sweetie"

The Hart Begins: Henry Danger [ Completed ] Where stories live. Discover now