Jasper Danger

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Authors Notes: greetings my follow readers! Before we get into this chapter I'll like to remind you that this is short, so sorry if you wanted longer. Now without further ado here's ' Jasper Danger', I really like this episode btw 😊

It's Halloween today and I hate Halloween on a school day, Henry and I walk in to our classroom, only to be stop by Charlotte and she made our head to turn to Jasper and the girl he likes

" look look look look" Charlotte said to us, " he's doing it again"

" what, Jasper?" Henry asked her

" yeah, he keeps trying to make that girl Monica think he's Kid Danger" Charlotte explained

I chuckled of Jasper's trying so hard

" oh man" Henry said to himself

We listen in to Monica's and Jasper's conversation

" ow" Jasper said suddenly

" are you okay?" Monica asked him worried

" yeah" Jasper answers, " I just had a rough night last night at work"

" really? Was there a lot of... Danger?" Monica asked eagerly and I rolled my eyes of her stupidity

" shh" Jasper hush her as he puts two fingers on her mouth, " you know I can't talk about my job"

He takes his fingers off of her mouth

" ooh, sorry" Monica apologized

" he touched her lips" Henry laughs nervously

" it's not funny, he's lying to her" Charlotte tells him

I look disgusted when my brain play back when Jasper touched her lips and it was a disgusting scene to see

" and now she's got dirty lips" I added in disgusted

" come on" Henry tells us two and we walk over to Jasper and Monica, " hey Jasper, what's poppinin?"

" Henry... You guys know Monica?" Jasper introduce her

" sure" Henry answers

" hey, Monica" I greeted

" hi" Monica greeted back

" so dude, trick or treating tonight, you still coming with us?" Henry asked, suddenly changing the subject

" it's okay to say no" Charlotte added and I nodded to agree

" yeah, I'm coming" Jasper answers, he turns to Monica, " you want to come trick or treating with us?"

" I'd love to come" Monica answers

" cool, just remember... A certain Captain might need my help tonight" Jasper reminds her as they go few feet away from us but we could still hear

" that's okay, I like Danger" Monica replied

" and Danger likes you" Jasper flirted back

Henry walks over to him

" hey Jasper" Henry lean close to him, Jasper turns to us again

" what?" Jasper asked him

Henry put his fingers on Jasper's lips

" shh" Henry hush

Yeah, you're not touching me anymore till you wash you're hands, bro.


School is over and Henry and I invited Charlotte to our house, she's dress as a macaroni, my brother dress as a zombie but a badminton with him for some reason, I'm dressing up as a cute witch, but I don't have a black cat stuffed animal so I use nothing, I have a wand with me to replace the broom problem. Our parents say they'll take Piper trick or treating with them because we had a deal

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