Elevator Kiss

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Authors Note: okay, this episode is one of the hardest for me so that's why it took little longer. Also, I auditioned for my school's musical play! So updates may be slow. Enjoy reading!

I walk on the grounds of the school, I open the door seeing my brother talking to one of my close friends. Bianca, I smile at the scene and realized what I heard from Bianca yesterday that they'll gonna share lockers

Lockers man! It's like a big deal in this school.

" Henry! Henry!" I call for him as I run to the two and they turn to me

" oh, hey sis" Henry greeted

I look at Bianca and smile at her

" hi, hey Bianca" I greeted

" hey" Bianca greeted back

" we were just going to discu... Okay"

Henry didn't finish when I pull him a few feet away from Bianca

" is it true?" I asked my brother eagerly

" that they found Bigfoot on the moon?" Henry asked, being dumber as ever

" you know what I want to know" I said as I flick his forhead

" yeah, it's true" Henry answers, " I'm letting Bianca share my locker, because, you know her locker's upstairs but most of her classes are down here, so we figured she might as well keep some of her stuff in my locker"

I smirk

" and because you two like each other" I teased

" she liked me first" Henry smiles back, I playfully rolled my eyes

" uh-huh, likely story" I said

" son, it's time"

We turn around to see a janitor

" cool, Bianca, let's do it!" Henry says to her, making her attention on him

Her and her friends walk over to Henry's locker and soon it formed a crowd

" now kids, sharing a locker is a big deal" the janitor says to the two

" right"

" we know"

" okay, girl, you want to put your thumb on the pal?" he asked Bianca

" I do" Bianca smiles and put her thumb on the pal to make Henry's locker open

" okay, you're all set" the janitor tells them, " now, remember kids, life is one big disappointment"

He then walks away

" well, try it" Henry suggested to her and we all agreed, Bianca tried it and the locker works, we all clap

" now, stomp on this bag of skeezits" Oliver said, putting the bag down on the floor

Henry then stomps it and we clap again

" Henry!"

We turn to the entrance to see Jasper coming in and walking over to my brother and Bianca

" oh, hey man, what's up?" Henry asked him

I listen in

" I just hear you're letting Bianca share your locker" Jasper says

" yes, I am" Henry answers proudly

" he is"

" we are"

" we is"

" don't get cute!" Jasper snaps at Bianca and look back at Henry, " when I asked you if I could share your locker, you told me you aren't ready"

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