Kid Grounded

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Authors Note: so I finally made my decision and let Charlotte have this episode. I let Paris have a little family bonding or.. Should I say siblings bonding? 😉, no takers? Whateves, just enjoy reading this chapter!

Right now I'm sitting at the kitchen table with my family, Henry told me what happened last night when his mission was done. Piper caught him sneaking out and the also the same day Piper caught me of watching ' Child's Play' a 1998 horror film which our parents won't allow me to watch but I did it anyway because I'm getting older, I'm allow to watch movies that aren't for kids. Anyway, it was silent at the table until Piper broke it

" Henry snuck out of his room last night!" Piper shouted, " and didn't sneak back in until one in the morning!"

I dropped my fork and knife, we both look at Piper, mom and dad look at Henry

" well, last Saturday night, while you guys were out, Piper and her friend Marla watched French Basement!" Henry tells them

I smirk at Piper when our parents gasps

" well.. Yesterday I caught Paris watch Child's Play with Jasper, who was hugging her due to fear!" Piper pointed at me

Mom and dad gasps as they look at me

" it wasn't fear" I protests

" then why huh? Huh? Why?" Piper asked me when she gets close to my face, we are like two inches away from each other

" he always does that" I lied

She sat back at her seat

" lies! I heard Jasper said ' where's mommy?" Piper said

Mom and dad gasps again, Henry and I look at our little sister of an unpleased look

" Paris, Piper, those movies are rated R" mom mentions

I rolled my eyes

" you know you're not allowed to watch R-rated movies" dad said to Piper then turn to me, " and you missy, are not allow to watch those kinds of movies with Jasper"

" come on, I didn't hear anything I hadn't heard before" I protests

" well, guess what? You three are grounded for two weeks" mom said as pointing at us

My eyes got widen

Two weeks?! Hen and I have a job to do.

" oh, come on" Henry said annoyed

We three starting protests

" I said, boom!" dad shouted

Henry and I glared at Piper and she glares at us


It's day one of being grounded, Henry and I are at the couch, Henry is reading a book which surprises me, I'm on my phone of scrolling through of being bored out of my mind. Yesterday Henry told Ray that we are grounded so we don't have to worry when Charlotte is there and take care of things

" I hate being grounded, thanks a lot!" Piper said to both of us while passing me and Henry

" well, I couldn't have told you if you hadn't told on us" Henry reasons

" okay, well, how about this?" Piper asked

I didn't pay attention when I hear my brother protesting of something, suddenly the couch been lifted and to the other side, I yelped of the sudden action

" what happened to your couch?"

I could tell Jasper have arrive. Mom said our friends still come over so we okay

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