Man of the House

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Authors Note: wow! This is kinda a emotional chapter for Paris, I added some things in and be aware there is a swear in here so if you like to skip this chapter you can, enjoy reading!

Right now Henry and I invited Charlotte and Jasper for a science project, Piper is chatting with dad on the computer, I'm helping Henry while drinking water

" Henry, Paris, please come video chat with dad!" we hear Piper said to us two, making us look up from the textbook and to her

" no, we're doing science project for school" I answers

" but I'm trying to text Marla and dad keeps talking about his dumb hotel" Piper whines

" sorry" Henry apologized and we went back to the textbook

" okay, now we take the egg and shake it thusly" Jasper explained which catch our attention on him and walk over to him

We all chanted ' shake the egg' when he does it, but we stop when we noticed sweat coming to Jasper even it been a minute or even under seconds

" man, I've never seen anyone sweat so much" Charlotte commented

I nodded in agreement

" it runs in my family, my mom sweats in her sleep" Jasper tells us

Soon the timer on Henry's phone goes off

" okay, time's up" Henry turns off the timer and I got a towel for Jasper and he takes it to wipe the sweat on his face

" now, it says to turn on the power and then put the egg on the electrometer" Henry reads the instructions on the textbook

Jasper put on the safety goggles and put the egg on the electrometer

" okay" Jasper said and turns it on

" now what?" Charlotte asked us

" we wait" I answers

" see?" Jasper asked as he gets his face close to the egg, " the egg is already starting to smell kind of--"

Jasper didn't finish when the egg yolk exploded on his face, which made Charlotte and I startled

" was it supposed to do that?" Charlotte asked between giggles, I just crack a smile of the scene

" no, it was not supposed to do that!" Jasper snaps

" I'm all right! It's okay! I'm fine! Nobody freak out!"

We turn to the door to see mom a little panic, I shrugged my shoulders and we turn back to the experiment

" you guys, I was attacked!"

That caught our attention back at her

" what?" I asked confused as mom walk in the kitchen

" did she say ' attacked?" I hear dad asked from the video chat

" what happened?" Charlotte asked concern

" are you okay?" Jasper asked

" yeah yeah, I wasn't hurt or anything" mom starts to rambled again

" Piper, your mother sounds upset"

I look behind mom to see Piper taking the computer outisde

Can she just end the call or close the tab?.

" but I was walking to my car and a man jumped out from a bush and snatched my purse" mom explained

" no way!"

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