Moon-Sung's not ever seen before audition tape

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The camera points to a young Asian girl back then she's fourteen and she have her scripts with her

" you guys, could we go over the list for my birthday party?" a woman reads a script

" no" Moon answers

" but I invited two people" the woman said, " and nobody's texted me back yet, what does that mean?"

" that people have been to your parties before?" Moon answers with her eyebrow raised

" I like her" the woman smiles and looking to the director next to her

" what? I'm confused" Moon said as looking to the grown ups behind the camera

Username: Moon looked so adorable back then 🥰
Username: I could see her prettiness didn't change
Username: she looks so nervous which made it adorable
Username: she looks like twelve year old back then but Moon confirmed she was fourteen when she auditioned
Username: she looks so nervous which is oka to be nervous! Everyone gets nervous time to time

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