Dream Busters

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Authors Note: yay guys! We almost done with season one! I'm not putting Charlotte in this episode. Sorry guys, and probably not the next one, I'm trying to have the two a sibling bonding

It's the evening and I made some home made onion dip, the one thing that everybody likes that from me when I cook something good, I went to Junk-N-Stuff and to the back, go to the elevator but scream of forgetting how this one doesn't work like the other elevators. Finally it opens and I walk in the Man Cave to see Schwoz and Kira doing there magic on some devices

" Hey, Shcwoz, Kira, look! I made onion dip!" I announced as showing some I made in a container

" there's no time for onion dip!" Kira snaps

I approached the two, looking around of what they doing

" why not?" I asked confused

" something bad has happened" Schwoz answers

" aw, did Gooch fall in the toilet again?" I rolled my eyes of hundred of times I have to take him out

" no, Gooch did not fall into the toilet again" Kira replied

" then what is--"

I didn't finish my sentence when the alarm from the tubes beeped, Ray got shot down and I smile at him

" hey! Do you like onion dip?" I repeated my question and show him the container that has it in it

" wait a minute!"

Then my brother got shot down from his tube but he looks like.. Sleeping?

Kira press a button on her remote to make Henry's tube disappear, making him fall but Ray caught him just in time

" how's Henry?" Schwoz asked Ray concern

" he's sound asleep!" Ray answers as he carries my brother over to us

" oh no, bring him! We have to hook him up to the thingy!" Schwoz rushes and the three of them lay him on the chair that is connected to a device

" what's wrong with my brother?" I asked Ray

" we were trying to capture Dr. Minyak" Ray answers

" Dr. Minyak broke out of prison?" I gasps

" yeah" Ray answers, " and just as we were about to grab him, he blasted Henry with a dream beam"

" a dream beam? What is--"

Once again I didn't finish what I'm gonna say when Ray cut me off

" there's no time for you to finish that question!" Ray snaps

I put my hands up in defence

" Schwoz, can you show us Henry's brain activity?" Kira asked him, that catch our attention on him and Ray move where her and Schwoz are at

" yeah, hang on, I got to change the input" Schwoz answers, " HDMI one, no, HDMI two, oh three!"

We finally see my brother brain activity on the screen

" that is Henry's brain" Schwoz tells us

" okay, I will give anyone two dollars to tell me what's going on?" I asked annoyed as holding up two bucks in my hands

" Henry got blasted with a dream beam" Kira tells me and plucked the two bucks out of my hands

" and it put him into a deep sleep" Ray continues

" very deep" Schwoz chimed in

" well, then let's wake him up" I suggested

" it's almost impossible to wake up someone who's been dream beamed" Ray says

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