Chapter 3

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"Looks like rain," Kageyama heard some girl say from just outside as he was back in the gym for afternoon practice. Which was true. Earlier he saw dark grey clouds settling in the sky. Tobio hoped that it doesn't rain.

Yeah he usually loves the rain but those clouds didn't look like rain clouds, they looked like storm clouds, which is a lot worse.

The overly loud whistle blew, signaling that it was time for a break.

"Hey Kageyama are you okay?" Sugawara asked, seeing that a look of distress crossed the first years face.

"I'm fine," he said in the soft voice, taking a sip of water and quietly walking away.

Sometimes it was hard for him to tell the distinction between being rude or not, but his teammates were used to it, they know that it's not personal and to not think anything of it.

However once he learned to control the quietness of everything he did, it became normal for him and he didn't even have to try for his footsteps to become as quiet as he could make them.

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