Little Drabble #5

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A practice match was being held and Kageyama was in no way interested in hearing Oikawa's whiny voice.

"Hey Tobio-chan!" That oh so familiar voice said, sounding like nails against a chalk board. "Hello Oikawa-san," he said, trying to be polite and walked off to find Tanaka.

Oikawa was confused. Kageyama heard him whining to Iwaizumi about how mean he was being.

"You know maybe he just doesn't like you," Tobio snorted at that, finding it a little funny and a little true.


"Hey Tobio-Chan," Oikawa tried from the other side of the net. Kageyama let in a deep breath before exhaling. "Yes Oikawa-san?" He asked in the same polite tone while also focusing on the game.

"You're really quiet today," he stated. "You know maybe he just doesn't like you," Kageyama said in a mock voice, repeating Iwaizumi's words from moments ago.


"Tobio-chan!" Oikawa shouted, far too loud for his ears, beckoning over to where he was standing.

Tobio huffed since he was in the middle of talking to Tanaka, but went over anyway, to see why he felt like pestering the younger.

"Yes Oikawa-san?" He asked, in the same hushed tone as he usually did. "What you said while we on the court? How did you do that?"

"What? Serve? It's easy-ish. I can show you if you like?" Several snickers could be heard from around them.

"No!" As an instinct, Kageyama's hands went straight to his ears. Seeing his mistake, he took them away and behind his back.

"Tobio-chan! How did you copy Iwa-chan's words like that?"
"Like what?" Kageyama asked, continuing to play dumb, enjoying Oikawa's frustration.

"What he means is-" "I know exactly what he means," Kageyama said, interrupting Kindaichi, who also wanted to know.

"I've got really good hearing," was the only explanation he gave them, walking off and back over to Tanaka.

"Tobio-chan!" Oikawa yelled again. Kageyama huffed after unclenching his jaw. "Deep breaths," Tanaka soothingly whispered, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

"What did you mean by that?" Kageyama gave a deep breath before responding. "I don't know what you want me to say, other than the fact that I have really good hearing?"

"But how?"
"I have great hearing," he repeated once again, maybe those answers would make Oikawa leave him alone?

"I don't get how though,"
"Yeah they call me The Snitch, simply because I hear everything,"

Oikawa whispered something under his breath. "Yes I can!" Tobio hissed, frowning.

"Maybe you should be a little careful about what you say," Tobio whispered in his ear. "Don't want any secrets getting out now do we?"

He went off, one of Tanakas arms swung around his shoulder, giving a smirk.

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