Star Trek Voyager: Eternity (Chapter 1)

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A/n: This story begins during the closing scene of "Natural Law".

Why am I doing this? It’s not like she expects anything. Chakotay was trying to rationalise his actions as he made his way to Cargo Bay 2. He didn’t think she had relished the encounter with the Ventu but after she had thrown him a curveball siding with him about the shield he just didn’t know what to make of her anymore. He reached the doors and released a shaky breath. He could just go back to his quarters, no one would blame him. Face it, said another voice in his brain, you want to talk to her, she’s all you’ve been thinking of ever since you got back. This thought disturbed him but at the same time he couldn’t deny its truthfulness.

Here goes nothing; he thought straightening his shoulders and stepping inside. She was standing with her head bent over the console, working. As the gold hair caught the light and she looked up, he couldn’t help thinking that he preferred her hair down. “Commander?” she asked with her trademark raised brow.

It took Chakotay embarrassingly long to shake off the sudden strong undeniable attraction he felt and come up with something to say. “That’s a beautiful blanket.”

She looked at him quizzically. “You can have it if you’d like, I have no use for it.”

He heard the regret in her tone and knew that he had to give her a reason to keep it. “If the environmental systems ever go down you might get cold.”

This was met by silence and if he didn’t know her better, a shy glance to the floor. He felt the need to speak. “I…”

At the exact same time Seven also began. “I…”

Chakotay swallowed. That was awkward. “Go on…”

She blushed deeply and averted her eyes. “No, please continue.”

He didn’t think he’d ever seen her blush before and he found it endearing. “I just wanted to apologise for making you miss your conference…”

If it was possible she looked even more uncomfortable. “Actually…I wanted to thank you for that.”

Chakotay was stunned to say the least. “What? I thought you were angry.”

“I…I was, but after spending time there I realised you were right. Temporal Mechanics can be studied any time, the Ventu on the other hand…”

He nodded in complete agreement, inexplicably pleased with himself, but saw her shift away from him and bite her lip slightly. “Something else is bothering you?” he asked, his voice full of concern.

She looked up at him and saw nothing in his face expect gentle concern. “It is the Ventu, I am afraid for their wellbeing.”

He smiled softly. “They know how to look after themselves.”

“That is not what I mean. The Ledosian expedition had time to study my deflector modifications; in time they may be able to lower the shield themselves.”

He couldn’t deny such a painfully logical statement, although he wanted to soothe her. “It’s possible.”

“If I had never made those modifications…” she started, self hatred coming off her in waves.

He grasped her arm tightly, desperate to get those thoughts from her head. “We would still be stuck there!” He loosened his grip, sensing he had become inappropriately passionate. “I for one am happy to be back on Voyager.”

She allowed her herself to glance down at her arm before meeting his eyes. “As am I.” she replied softly. He knew he should go, though in his heart he didn’t really want to. He gave her a nod of his head in parting and left. As the doors closed behind him, he let out a shuddering sigh. What was all that about?

Star Trek Voyager: EternityWhere stories live. Discover now