Star Trek Voyager: Eternity (Finale)

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Seven set down her glass of water on the table and sat down in the chair closest to the window, parting the thin curtain with her fingers to peer down at the world below. The early rising sun of late June warmed her face and lit up the streets, just beginning to awake to start another day. Seven thoughtfully ran her finger round the rim of the glass, all those individuals, unknown to her and she unknown to them, she smiled softly as she realised the thought no longer disturbed her. Perhaps she was finally becoming accustomed to life on Earth. Good, it had taken her long enough…

She jumped in surprise as warm hands went over her eyes but relaxed as she heard his familiar voice in her ear. “Good morning birthday girl…” She smiled as he kissed her ear and neck, gently taking his hands off her eyes and kissing them before turning round to face him.

“Good morning.” She replied, kissing him softly as he wrapped his arms round her waist.

Chakotay looked at her lovingly. “What are you doing up so early on your birthday? Wait, I didn’t get the date wrong did I?”

She laughed at the anxiety in his voice. “You were correct. Today is the 24th of June 2378. I am now thirty years old using the Earth calendar. Why would I change my sleeping patterns because of this?”

Chakotay let out a sigh of relief before answering; it would have been embarrassing to not know your girlfriend’s birthday. “Well, birthdays are special…I just thought you would have had a lie in that’s all.” He paused to gaze at her face. “You looked deep in thought when I surprised you, depressed about getting a year older?”

“Ageing is inevitable.” She stated bluntly, “I was thinking about my…” she blushed slightly, “…our life here…”

Chakotay put an arm around her shoulders, “I know. I can’t believe it’s been over a year now.”

“I was thinking that I am finally becoming somewhat accustomed to it…”

“Somewhat?” He put his hand under chin, “Sweetheart don’t push yourself so much, you’ve done so well. I’m very proud of you, okay?” He looked at her for acknowledgement and she nodded. Changing the subject he said, “So I’ve taken the day off, what do you want to do for your birthday?”

Seven stared at him for a moment. “Why did you take the day off? I’m briefing Starfleet Headquarters on my new project today.”

Chakotay’s mouth fell open, “That’s today?” She nodded and he cringed, his detailed plan falling to pieces before his eyes. “Can’t you reschedule?” he begged in a last ditch salvage attempt.

Seven shook her head, unsure as to why he was taking it so hard. “I promised Admiral Janeway…” His face fell further, knowing that that meant no and she tried to reassure him. “I should be able to return here by early evening.”

“Really? That’s great!” he exclaimed, hugging her tightly.

“I must go and prepare.” She told him firmly, disentangling herself from his arms.

Seven left that morning feeling very confused by Chakotay’s actions for once she was ready he had practically pushed her out of the door. Chakotay meanwhile sighed deeply as soon as she was gone, immediately pulling out the engagement ring he had got from the alternate future Seven he had met and closing his hand around it. What was he supposed to do now? He had had his heart set on a lovely birthday and then the proposal and now she wouldn’t be back until the evening! An idea hit him and he ran to the phone to call the restaurant. If he had learned anything from Seven it was how to adapt.

He looked up at the clock for the fifth time in as many minutes, it was only four o’clock, he still had at least a couple of hours to go before she returned. He wished he could settle down to do some work but his heart was too nervous and alert. He paced around their bedroom before looking at himself in the mirror, would she really want to marry him? The optimistic part of his brain reminded him that she had accepted him in two different realities but rather than taking comfort from this information it just made him feel worse, since they had never discussed time travel again since the incident with the future Admiral. He held the ring between two fingers, hoping she wouldn’t mind that it wasn’t in a box. Maybe she will, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Doctor showed her what the prefect proposal should be in those social lessons of his!

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