Star Trek Voyager: Eternity (Chapter 3)

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0555 hours. Seven rubbed her tired red rimmed eyes and pulled herself up from her crouching position on the cargo bay floor, her legs sagging in complaint as her veins struggled to carry blood back down to her feet. Isabel would be waking by now, she always had been an early riser and it was her duty to go and attend to her. Thinking of her children focused her eyes on the photographs which had brought her so much pain the night before, she traced her fingers across the images and reluctantly opened the container, it wouldn’t do for Chakotay to see them. She carefully placed them in and closed the lid, hiding them away as she imprisoned the painful memories in her soul for another day.

Thankfully Tom and B’Elanna had left their door unlocked so she walked straight to where she’d left the children. Isabel was sitting wide awake in her cot, when she saw her mother she grabbed the bars and pulled herself into a standing position. “Mawning Mama!” she said loudly.

“Good morning baby…” she glanced over at Luke who was still sleeping soundly and put a finger to her lips, “Shhh, Luke is still asleep.”

“Shhh, seeping.” Whispered Isabel, lifting her arms to be picked up.

“Yes.” Seven replied, lifting her out and laying her on the floor so that she could change her, sending Isabel into a fit of inexplicable giggles.

“She’s tickly Mama.” Seven turned to see Luke looking at them, propping himself up in bed by his elbow.

“Ticky, ticky, ticky, ticky, ticky…” Isabel sang out, enjoying saying the new word over and over.

“Mama, can we go home? I want my cars…”

“No, we can’t go home…” Seven paused, struggling to make herself heard over her daughter’s singing. “Isabel, that’s enough now.” Isabel pouted slightly but fell silent.

“Why not? What about breakfast?” asked Luke.

Isabel perked up again. “Bwekfas?”

“We’ll eat in the Mess Hall today.”

“But why do we have to?” Luke persisted.

“We just do!” said Seven sharply. “Be a good boy and get dressed for me.” She told him more gently.

After several minutes of preparations they were all ready to go and stepped out into the hallway. Isabel sat down on the floor. “Up! Up!” she said insistently to her mother, raising her arms.

“No…” Seven helped Isabel to stand up, but didn’t carry her. “You’re a big girl now, you can walk like your brother.” Isabel gazed up at her mother, testing her resolve. Seeing no hope she obediently toddled after Luke.

“Seven?” Tuvok’s voice echoed through her comm. badge.

“Yes Captain?”

“Come to my quarters. I must discuss the current situation with you.”

“I must give my children breakfast first.”

“They can come with you, I have a replicator here.”

Seven was unsure of the soundness of that suggestion. “Isabel needs a high chair…”

“I will provide one. I expect you within five minutes.” The comm. badge clicked off, conversation over.

 Seven sighed deeply, there was no escape from the questions she knew were coming. “Luke, Isabel, turn around and come with me.”

“ Mama, the Mess Hall is this way.” Luke informed her in a patient tone.

“I am aware of that but the Captain has invited us to his quarters.”

Luke was intrigued. “Really? I’ve never been in his quarters before!” he exclaimed excitedly.

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