Classroom or Dungeon

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AN/ hi yall it's your hufflebuddy. Welcome to the start of Kaylee's love hate relationship with the Gryffindors. To this day I can't decide if they are friends or mortal enemies. We have chapters in stock so votes and comments will encourage more updates     :) 


Kaylee sat with Regulus at the Hufflepuff table. All the transfers sat together, except for the Christian. He sat as far away from Kaylee as he could. After the dramatic display last night the puffs were either ecstatic and inspired or eyeing her like she was meat at the market.

Christina hurried back from the professor table with her arms full of scrolls and passed them out among the transfers before sitting on Kaylee's other side. Excited that she now had an excuse to sit with her best friend, and Regulus seemed pretty cool too.

"Let's look at our schedules." she said as she opened her scroll. They listed the new class time table. And the transfers would do their classes with their host house.

1 Period DADA Hufflepuff/Gryffindor

2 Period Transfiguration Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw

3 Period History of Magic Hufflepuff/Slytherin

4 Period Divination\Arithmancy (pick one)


5 Period Care of Magical Creatures\Muggle Studies\ Ancient Runs (pick one)

6 Period Potions Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw

7 Period Charms Hufflepuff/Gryfindor

StudyHall/snacks all houses (optional, snacks are only for participants)

*bonus periods*

8 Period Herbology Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw (on mondays and thursdays only)

8 Period Astronomy Hufflepuff/Slytherin (on wednesdays only)

"Oh yay. DADA with Gryffindors." Kaylee enthused.

Regulus just smiled.

"I heard from some sixth years that Professor Slughorn assigns yearly partners in Potions in fifth year. Someone outside of their house." Regulus said.

"I hope not." Kaylee said.

"Well, if any of the Marauders tease you, I will have my people take care of it." Little did they know what would happen that night.

"I just hope my partner isn't a slacker." Christina said. "We can't afford any complications in our OWL year."

Regus winced in sympathy. "Andromeda said teachers are brutal in your OWL year. Since your OWL's determine what classes you can take next year and your career path."

"Slughorn will just favor the legacies anyways. So you have nothing to worry about." Kaylee said to Regulus who shrugged.

"Being part of the slug club is overrated anyways. You just get dragged to stupid parties."

"Are you kidding?" Christina said. "Professor Slughorn has so many connections that most of the Slug club has a career plan before they graduate. But you're rich so I guess your life is planned out for you."

Regulus shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah, definitely planned out." he then changed the subject. "So what do you guys want to do when you graduate?"

"I'd like to be either a Healer or Herbalist. I want to help people. But I'd also like to teach the Dark Arts." Kaylee said.

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