Chapter10: Moving Fast

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At five thirty three Hogwarts students could be found sneaking out of the castle in the direction of hogsmeade. They all had black cloaks on. And Regulus was wearing normal dress robes. Kaylee's hair was in an elegant warrior braid with silver hair clips along the braid. Half of Christina's hair was in a twist and the lower half was curled that hung around her shoulders.

"What if we are discovered missing?" Christina asked.

"Eh. Slughorn snores louder than a muggle jackhammer. And nobody wants to go anywhere near him. We'll be fine. Plus, who will mess with Reg and I?" Kaylee said as if it were obvious.

Reaching the outskirts of Hogsmeade, Regulus took out his wand and held it out to summon the knight bus. A loud crack sound though the air and a blur of purple stopped in front of them.

"Welcome to the Knight bus." A tiredA tired bus man greeted me as though he had said the same introductions a million times before. which , to be fair, he probably had. "Transport for the stranded witch or wizard. 7 sickles for a ticket, 11 you get a hot chocolate and 12 you get a toothbrush."

Regulus pulled out a gallon from his pocket and paid their fare. As they took their seats he said, "I've never been on the Knight bus before. Mother always said it was beneath us."

"So if your mother was on the second floor of your house would the first floor be beneath her and therefore no longer be usable?" Kaylee asked.

Regulus looked at her incredulously but not before face palming.

Christina snorted. "Sounds like purebloods all right."

"I swear you can think of the stupidest questions. How do you do that?" Regulus asked, still amazed.

"Lot's of practice."

"Guys I would grab onto something if i were you." Christina advised holding the pole by her seat for dear life.

Just then the bus shot forward like a rocket. Jousting the whole bus, three chairs and an old lady fell to the floor. It was like a muggle rollercoaster that hadn't been maintained for years and was shaking uncontrollably.

"BLOODY HECK!!!! I think your mum was right on this one!" Kaylee said, bracing her feet against the ground.

A suitcase banged against Regulus's knees and a hat flew into Christina's lap. One passenger looked like he was going to be sick. But the bus man walked up to them completely at ease and in balance with the bus.

"So where are three youngsters like you going on a school night?"

"Aunt's house Mr. Bus driver sir. She demanded we get here. She wanted to see what we thought of the new clothes she got us, grand chilluns. But if you ask me she just wants us to get away from all this blood prejudice for the night." Kaylee improvised.

"We're on our way to Holt St. It's by Grimmauld." Kaylee said.

"So yall er siblings? Or cousins." looking from Regulus's pasty skin and grey eyes to Kaylees tanned skin and brown eyes.

"We are all siblings. This here's Matt. He's adopted and then Erana and I. I'm Mikal, We're sisters." Kaylee said.

Christina nodded but lost her grip on the pole and fell to the floor sliding to the back of the bus.

"Era!" Kaylee was about to say Christina but just barely called her by her last name.

The bus jolted again, nearly throwing Kaylee to the back as well. Regulus grabbed Christina's hand as she made her way back to their seats.

"Well we'll have you at your Aunt's house as soon as we drop off the Potters." he told them.

Finally they made it to their stop. Christina stepped off and fell to the floor dizzy.

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