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Two days after arriving in Ravenclaw, Kaylee decided that she needed to release some energy. And she had the perfect villain of injustice.

She decided to turn the DADA teacher's classroom upside down and backwards and reverse the color of everything in the room.

Kaylee knew she would need help. And she knew exactly who could help her.


Meet me in the kissing alcove at midnight. I need your knowledge of Charms to help me pull a prank on somebody. Tell no one where you have gone.

Slytherin Queen

She got a quick reply.

Slytherin QUeen,

I would love to pull a prank with you. Don't worry I won't tell. As a Marauder, I am good at keeping secrets. And Codenames really?


Kaylee laughed and got her books together for class. Being in Ravenclaw for the next two days, she couldn't skip classes.

Binns mumbled about the history of Ilvermorny. Kaylee was sure the man was cursed when he died. Cursed to be the most boring teacher and charmed all his students to fall asleep. Once she and Regulus had placed bets on how long it would take for the first kid to fall asleep one day. Kaylee won at five minutes. But Kaylee was genuinely impressed by them that not only was the Ravenclaws immune to his toneless voice. But they actually managed to take extensive notes while half the Slytherins slept in their slumped seats, which was perfect since it was the first class of the day while they followed the Ravenclaw schedule.

She peeked at some of their notes. Most of them were just random theories that had been made up. She smirked. So that was how they did it.

"Sir, I've heard so much about Sir William Dandylion. What can you tell us about him?" Kaylee asked.

The Ravenclaw sitting next to her, Maddie, looked towards Kaylee in surprise. Kaylee smirked in return.

Professor Binns, not wanting to look out of time, nodded.

"Ah yes. He has a very interesting story and I think that should be your homework for today. Write a 12 inch parchment on Sir William Dandylion and his exploits."

Regulu's jaw dropped and in a low voice said, "I hate you so much right now."

"I like essays." Christina cheerfully pulled out parchment and Regulus looked at her strangely. She had been acting forcefully and scarily cheerful for the past few days and the two were worried, but let her work it out.

"It is easy. Just write a story about something random. I made it easier than actually having to do any research." Kaylee said.

"That's how you get bad grades." Regulus said.

"Look on the bright side." Christina said. "We're going to hogsmeade this afternoon!"

"That just means less time to do the essay." Regulus commented realistically.

"Such a pessimist. We don't have our afternoon classes so we'll have time." she said. Then Christina yelped as Puffy leaped out of her pocket and tried to scurry away but she caught her. "Stop!" she struggled to hold onto the silky fluff ball. "Reg, can you transfigure me with a rope? Cage? Something?"

"I can't do one small enough for a pygmy puff."

Christina sighed and shoved her in his hands and took out her own wand. He said an incantation over her quill and produced a rope that fell apart when she touched it. Christina bit her lip and tried again before giving up. She looked around, then having an idea she unlaced her boot and using the string tied a leash to her pygmy puff. "Puffy has been trying to escape all morning. Trying to get Sirius's stup- uh, adorable pet." she finished. Christina tied the shoe lace to her wrist and watched the puff try to pull away.

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