Chapter16: gnissiM

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Moving into the gryffindor common room was amazing and terrifying at the same time. There were the firsties chasing each other with water guns where the water inside turned red when in contact with human skin. It looked like there was a hoard of bloody children running around but no one paid them mind as they cackled and laughed. There were the third years who were too cool to be running around. The fourth years who started having crushes and were just a mess of hormones in general. There were the depressed fifth years who were burdened by OWLS and stopped caring a while ago and were downing their stress in butter beer pretending they could actually get drunk off it. And the sixth years who were kissing in corners. 

In short, the gryffindors were teenagers who didn't have a care in the world and acted just like they were always drunk. The definition of happy go lucky.

"So what do you think?" Siruis asked, waving his arms around. Mostly to Christina and Regulus who hadn't been here before.

Christina was about to speak when a marshmallow landed on her head.

Regulus shrugged. "How do you get any work done?"

"We don't." James grinned. "We all copy off Remus."

Kaylee laughed, "oh and thanks for your Potions notes. I got an E on my pop quiz."

Remus frowned. "You can't keep doing that by the way. You need to learn."

James snorted. "Dude you're the only reason our the giffidors in our year are passing."

"I am learning. Learning how to con you into giving me the notes. And I'm getting an E in that." Kaylee added.

"You don't NEED me to take notes." Remus insisted

Sirius snorted, jumping on a table and whistling. "HEY EVERYBODY. RAISE YOUR HANDS IF YOU HAVE COPIED OFF REMUS"S NOTES!"

Everyone under Fifth year raised their hands, which was over half the common room. Then going about their business like kids jumping on tables and asking random questions was a normal occurrence.

Remus rolled his eyes and Sirius and James continued with their tour. "And this is the best chair in the whole common room." James said, pointing to the squashy chair.

"It is not," Sirius protested. "It sags WAY! Too much."

"Nun uh it's perfect."

In the end the transfers had a list of realizations.

One, the inside voices of Gryffindor were shouting to be heard.

Two, the ground was disgusting and still sometimes they would pluck random bits of parchment off of it to take notes.

And Three Everyone falls asleep early apparently because by 11:40 the Commonroom was basically empty.

"And this is why I crash in Ravenclaw. It's a lot cleaner. And is that my sweater?! JAMES POTTER!!! You said you were washing it!" Kaylee yelled at him picking up her black sweater.

"I lost it after I washed it. You should probably take it back to your room though. It is really comfortable. And a button came off and I sewed it back on. My mum taught me. Bet Black can't sew on buttons." He sneered playfully.

Sirius rolled his eyes."I don't have to. There's a spell to do it." He said.

"Just because there is a spell doesn't mean you can actually do it well." Remus commented.

"What do you mean! I'm great at fixing buttons." Sirius said.

James patted his shoulder. "We will make a regular house wife out of you yet, mate."

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