Chapter13: Just Know Your Not Alone

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The second Regulus entered the Ravenclaw common room the girls ascended on him

"Spill it. What happened?" Kaylee demanded.

"They killed someone." Regulus said, His hair was sweaty and his face was flushed. He trembled slightly, struggling to process what he had just seen.

"Who?" Christina asked worriedly.

"Some woman. I heard that her husband worked in Transfigured Brooms." Reg answered. "She was in the Order."

Christina's face went pale and she let out a small shriek."Did she look like me?"

Regulsu nodded. "Yeah. It was strange." Now that he thought about it. "Why?"

"That was my mum." she breathed. "MY MUM IS GONE!" Christina said, eyes going wide in realization looking panicked, breath hitching.

Kaylee instantly went to engulf Christina in a hug. She glared at Regulus.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know. And they didn't say her name." Regulus said with tears in his eyes and his voice shook."

"It's ok, Era. It's gonna be fine." Kaylee soothed.

"My mother's dead!" Christina cried. All at once feeling very vulnerable as her life came crashing down.

"My parents have been dead since the beginning of the year and you don't see me crying about it. Plane crashed. That's a muggle flying contraption for you Reg. But it's a secret. Because I don't want to live with my older brother." Kaylee said, softly.

"Why haven't you told us?" Reg asked and Christina nodded.

"You couldn't make them come back so why tell? They never liked me anyways. And I didn't like them." Kaylee said.

Regulus gave Kaylee a quick hug.

Christina started shaking. "H-how could this have happened? Maybe you saw wrong. My mum is supposed to be safe! They said- they said."

"He's the dark lord. 'Safe' doesn't mean anything to him."

Christina shook her head. "But Dumbledore, Dumbledore, he said, my mum." she trailed off weakly.

"Dumbledore is an old fool that knows nothing." Kaylee answered.

"Yes, he's powerful. But his methods are inefficient and dangerous to his students." Kaylee added.

A sob racked through Christina's body and she sank to the floor. "That's not, that's not true."

"Yes, they are. I wouldn't be surprised if he kidnapped us all so he could see how we handled it. A truth serum essay would have worked just as well." Kaylee said.

"Dumbledore is the head of the Order! He is the headmaster. The greatest wizard of all time. He- he is a great man. He has to be." Christina said mostly to herself.

"No, he isn't." Kaylee insisted.

"I'm gonna go find James. I have a question for him." Kaylee said.

Christina cried into her knees. "Dumbledore has to be great. Otherwise there is no hope. And- and-"

"There is hope. Because he is an old codger some of his ideas are quite good but others can be dangerous."

Kaylee gave Christina a final hug and glared at Regulus and hurried off.

Regulus watched Kaylee close the door and his mind was spinning. Slowly coming to realise what had happened. It was like his body didn't know how to handle this much stress. Almost like he was going to vomit again but at the same time he couldn't move. Like he was stuck.

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