Chapter 10 - 2009

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As has now become a recurring event for Kara, she arrives in a new year, the year 2009, with a new day of spending time with Lena ahead of her. As Kara does this, she realises that through her travels, going through time, she has spent about 12 – 13 days of her life trying to give Lena a better one. It does make Kara wonder if technically that should mean she should celebrate her Earth birthday however-many-days-she-ends-up-spending-time-travelling in the future. But, at the end of the day, Kara knows that her earth birthday isn't really a show of her age anyway. When Kara originally arrived on Earth, Jeremiah spent a long amount of time trying to figure out for Kara when her birthday would be in Earth terms, but he never could. Clark even asked the fortress to figure it out, but the only date it could provide was the date of Kara's birth, in Kryptonian dates. The big problem is that Krypton didn't have 365 days in a year like Earth does, it had almost close to 500 days. So that would technically mean that when Kara arrived of Earth, at 13-years-old, she would have lived almost 18 years in Earth terms, but that didn't even take into account the amount of time she was in the phantom zone. But either way, it didn't matter, because Kryptonians don't age like humans do anyway. Once Kara arrived on Earth she was 13, and looked like a 13-year-old on Earth would. But the funny thing was that after that, she aged at the normal rate that humans do, at least physically. Clark said he is pretty sure that it's a result of the yellow sun, which allows them to age normally, compared to humans, but also gives them their powers, and much longer lives still. However, despite all that, Kara really doesn't care about her birthday, or how old she technically is or anything right now. Kara would happily sacrifice years and years of her life if it made sure that Lena continued to live.

Now that Kara has arrived in 2009, where Lena is 16-years-old, she is floating a few miles above the boarding school which Kara last saw that Lena at. Kara then uses her super hearing, and is relieved to find that Lena is not at the boarding school. Kara is glad about this, because she really didn't want Lillian to send Lena back to that awful boarding school, where a teacher dared to lay a hand on Lena. But because of Lena currently not being at this boarding school, Kara then has to spend the next hour searching for the brunette, eventually finding the young girl's heartbeat about 5 miles west of Gotham City.

As Kara arrives at the new boarding school, she is surprised to find that it actually looks much nicer than all the previous ones that Lena has gone to. The school looks to have a lot of modern facilities, with the whole campus being rather open, without there being big brick walls keeping the students in or anything. It honestly looks so nice that Kara is kind of suspicious as to why Lillian is sending Lena here. Kara thinks that there surely must be something wrong with it or something, as Lillian Luthor wouldn't be a good mother and send Lena to an incredibly nice boarding school. Although Kara thinks that if Lillian really wanted to be a good mother, she wouldn't send Lena to a boarding school in the first place, and actually take care of her instead.

Kara spends the next 5 minutes just taking in all of the school, and the various buildings that are part of it. But eventually, Kara hones in on Lena's heartbeat, and sees that she is in a nice-looking building, which is clearly where all the students live. Kara really hopes that Lena isn't isolated this time, and has a nice roommate, or friends, or something.

Kara flies over to the building that Lena is in, but once she does, she looks through the closest window to where Lena is, and sees that the place that Lena is living in is more than just a simple bedroom. As Kara looks through the window, she sees presumably Lena's bedroom, but not Lena. Kara can tell from her x-ray vision that Lena is in a next room over. So, Kara then spends the next few minutes trying to figure out how to get to Lena, before she ultimately decides to try and open the window. However, this time, once Kara has the window open, she realises that it's the type of window that only opens partially, meaning she can't fit her body through it.

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