Chapter 18 - 2015 Part 3

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Presently Kara is still sitting on the couch while she waits for Lena to get out of the shower, and her bedroom. As Kara waits she simply looks around Lena's apartment, and thinks about all she has been through recently. Kara knows that she made a crazy risk changing the timeline like she has done, for everyone's sake, because no one knows the consequences of actually changing time. However, now, with what Kara has witnessed, and how she feels simply being around Lena, let alone kissing her, she knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that the risk was worth it. Kara knows that she would do absolutely anything for Lena, the woman she loves, and if that meant she had to change the timeline thousands of times over, Kara would do it, without a second thought. But Kara is happy, and hopeful, that she won't ever need to make any changes, because she has made everything right. Lena's life is better, and the brunette is not currently suicidal or anything, and the two of them are actually together. Kara has even begun to imagine what her life with Lena will be like in the future. Kara knows that even though Alex will tease her for it, she will totally be a 'U-Haul lesbian' with Lena, and that excites her so very much. Kara can only hope that Lena feels the same way, and they can spend so much time with one another, waking up in the morning, and falling asleep at night. It is almost a perfect life.

Eventually, Kara is pulled out of her thoughts by a knock at Lena's apartment door, however, Lena is not back yet.

"Lena?!" Kara calls out, but gets no response.

There is another knock at the door, and Kara knows it must be Sam and Ruby.

"Oh Rao." Kara mutters, and then stands up from the couch and slowly hobbles towards the door, despite it not doing her ankle any good.

A few moments later, after a third knock, Kara opens the door, revealing both Sam and Ruby. Sam simply has a happy look on her face upon seeing Kara, with a brown paper bag of food in arms. However, Sam grows a look of concern on her face as soon as she sees Kara's ankle, wrapped in Lena's homemade ankle boot restraint.

"Oh my god, Kara!" Sam explains, as she continues to look at Kara's ankle, "What happened?"

Kara grimaces in pain as she continues to stand.

"Uhh.... can we.... talk in a bit.... I really need to sit back down." Kara says.

"Yes, of course." Sam nods, "Let me help you."

Kara nods her head, and Sam hands the bag of groceries to the young Ruby, and then supports Kara as she helps her towards the couch.

"Where's Lena?" Sam asks.

"She must still be in the shower." Kara explains, "I tried to call out for her, but she must have not heard me, and I didn't want you waiting out there or anything."

"Oh, Kara, you shouldn't have done that." Sam says, sounding very much like Lena.

"Mommy? Where should I put these?" Ruby asks, still holding the bag of food in her arms.

"Here, let me help you Rubes." Sam says, and quickly walks over to Ruby and takes the bag from her.

Kara moves back into a laying position again, resting her legs on the couch, with that alleviating some of the pain. Kara honestly can't wait for her powers to be back, as she really isn't used to pain, especially of this kind. Meanwhile, Sam and Ruby walk over to the kitchen area of Lena's home, and the mother begins to unpack the bag of food.

"Ruby, why don't you go keep Kara company?" Sam suggests, in a soft voice.

Ruby looks over to Kara a bit nervously, clearly from the Kryptonian being a bit of a stranger to her.

"Okay." Ruby eventually agrees.

Ruby walks back over to Kara, and then takes a seat on the floor right by where Kara's body is on the couch.

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