Chapter 30 - The End Part 2

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It is now a few hours later, and Lena has said her goodbyes to Jack and Sam, and overseen the movers take all her things from her apartment in Metropolis, and either send them on their way to National City, or move them to a storage unit, where Sam will eventually coordinate the stuff that is going to be donated, or thrown away. Right now, however, Lena is walking through the Luthor Corp Metropolis building. Seeing as it is a Saturday, there are very few people inside. However, even if it were a week day, Lena would find a large amount of the usual staff missing, because the employees from the Metropolis building have either been transferred to other locations, or given good severance packages. This is all because seeing as Lena is moving Luthor Corp's headquarters to National City, the Metropolis building will need far less staff than previously.

Over the next few minutes, Lena continues to walk through the Luthor Corp building, eventually making it into the elevator, and selecting access for the roof. As the elevator then rises, Lena can't help but think about all the memorable moments that have taken place in this building. Then, of course, Lena first thinks about how it was in this building that she managed to finally take down Lex, as he turned the sun red, and raved at her while holding her 'hostage'. But then it was also in this building, and in her office, where she took care of Kara, after she hurt herself when the sun turned red, as well as where she and Kara did some other things, and had other really nice moments. Those memories particularly Lena is the most fond of. However, Lena knows that ultimately by moving to National City, she will get to experience more of those fond moments there, with Kara, and she can't wait.

The elevator soon opens up to the roof access, and Lena then steps out of the elevator and begins to climb the stairs for the last little section that gets her to the roof. A few moments later, Lena opens the door at the end of the stairs, and walks out onto the roof of the Luthor Corp building. Lena herself has very rarely come up to the roof, simply because she isn't the biggest fan of heights, but none the less, she can still appreciate the amazing view of Metropolis that the roof offers. The Luthor Corp building is one of the tallest buildings in Metropolis, so it therefore offers one of the best views. Lena is pretty sure that Lex made sure this building was tall when having it built for Luthor Corp several years ago, just to massage his ego. Admittedly, at times Lena thinks about having it demolished, just to take a little shot at her brother while he continues to rot away in prison.

Lena walks out onto the roof, and she begins to just look around, and take in the view, thinking in her brain that this will likely be the last time that she gets to see this view from this angle, as it's not like she intends to make a trip up to the roof of her Metropolis office just to take in the view again. Then, as Lena does this, she also thinks about what she is about to do. Lena's intentions after she told Sam that she needed to get in contact with the man of steel somehow, was to just go to the top of the Luthor Corp building, shout for Superman, and hope he hears her. Once Lena told Sam that idea, her best friend laughed in her face, thinking it was absolutely ridiculous. But, at the same time, Sam didn't offer any differing suggestions as to how Lena could get in touch with Superman, as it's not like she has his number to call him or anything. So here Lena is, on the top of the Luthor Corp building, on the roof, likely about to make a bit of a fool of herself by desperately calling out for Superman. Lena can only imagine what her brother would think of her for doing this.

Lena soon stands right in the centre of the roof, and composes herself. Admittedly, the brunette is a bit nervous, not only because she hasn't ever had any direct interactions with the man of steel yet, but also because she's worried about explaining everything to Superman, and hoping that he actually agrees to help her. Lena knows that Superman knows about Kara's time travelling, so at least that will make things a bit easier for her.

Lena takes in a deep breath, and then sighs.

"Superman!" Lena calls out.

Lena then waits, but nothing happens.

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