Chapter 14 - Lena's Graduation

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Kara arrives at the date June 3rd 2014, the day of Lena's graduation. It is now about 9 months since Kara's previous visit to Lena. The superhero is kind of a bit worried about today, as while she is excited to see Lena graduate, and is absolutely touched that the now 21-year-old invited her, she is concerned about the possibility of other people seeing her. Kara knows that today, it's not really like she will be able to go unnoticed if she wants to watch Lena's graduation. Kara can't just simply float miles up in the air, because in that situation Kara really isn't at Lena's graduation, she's just observing it from afar. So, Kara knows that she will sort of have to try and make herself either unrecognisable, or not of note, just a nameless person sitting in the audience. The last thing the superhero needs is for someone to take note of her, to then realise who she is in the future, which could mess with the timeline. Kara especially can't allow Lex or Lillian to see her, although she highly doubts that either of them are going to be present at Lena's graduation anyway.

Presently, it is about 8AM in the morning. Kara arrived this early because Lena didn't give her a specific time for the graduation, not that Lena would have even had a specific time 9 months out from the event. But Kara also did this because she knows that Lena is likely freaking out a bit, even though she has already done all her hard work to graduate. So, Kara simply wants to be there for Lena, to encourage her on, and reassure her.

Kara flies in the direction of Lena's apartment, and as soon as she arrives, she is alarmed because she sees that Lena isn't the only one inside. There is another person in Lena's apartment who is currently sitting on the couch with her, and looks to be a man. This immediately causes some jealousy to flood through Kara's body, even though she knows she has no reason, or right, to be jealous. Firstly, Kara has no reason to be jealous because Lena has previously told her that she thinks she's gay, so the guy in her apartment is most likely not a boyfriend or anything. Then secondly, Kara has no right to be jealous, because she has turned Lena down, multiple times now, having had a few opportunities to be with her, and told her to wait until 2016. But even though Kara has no right or reason to be jealous, the feeling still persists.

Kara spends the next few minutes hovering outside Lena's apartment, about a mile up in the air so no one can see her, not sure what to do. Kara knows that she can't just fly into Lena's apartment through her window or anything, because the guy in there with Lena will notice how she suddenly appeared. Then even if he doesn't notice Kara, that would mean that she is stuck in Lena's bedroom or something, out of sight of the guy, for who knows how long. So, ultimately, Kara really doesn't know what she can or should do.

Eventually, after about 5 minutes of floating there, waiting for the guy in Lena's apartment to leave, or for an opportune moment to somehow alert Lena that she's there, Kara decides to use her super hearing to listen in to Lena's conversation with this guy. Kara hasn't done this before now, because she knows it is a real invasion of privacy, and she really doesn't want to invade Lena's privacy like that, but right now Kara doesn't see any other way to assess the situation, to figure out when she'll be able to see and speak to Lena. So, Kara hones her super hearing in on Lena and the guy, who are still sitting in the brunette's living room.

"So, are you nervous about today?" The male voice asks.

"Hmmm..... not really." Lena replies, "I'm more so nervous about what comes next. Although I admit I am glad that Lex and Lillian are not attending. If Lex came, he'd make the whole day about him, and if Lillian attended, she'd ruin it by belittling what I've achieved."

"I'm sorry you don't have better family, Lena." The male voice replies, sympathetically.

"No, it's okay, Jack." Lena says back, making Kara realise this must be Lena's close friend Jack Spheer, "I've known for a while now that Lex and Lillian are not really my family. Not the family I deserve at least. I fully expect, and hope, that they both end up in prison within the next few years."

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