Chapter 12 - 2012

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Kara arrives in the year 2012, nervously. The super hero knows that right now Lena is 19-years-old, and has been at MIT for a few years. Kara recognises that Lena is no longer a child, but that doesn't make the situation any better. The issue of the situation isn't that Lena kissed Kara when she was only 16 anymore. The issue is that Lena has been so hurt by Kara's actions, even though the Kryptonian really didn't mean to hurt Lena. Thinking about it all has honestly been driving Kara crazy. Kara thinks that she started this whole time travel journey to try and stop Lena from committing suicide, and give her a better life, but now, because of her own actions, she has hurt Lena, clearly very deeply. All Kara knows is that she really has got to try and repair things with the brunette this year, or the damage done could be really permanent, and have devastating effects, not only on Lena's life, but on their potential friendship in the future. Kara thinks that with how things are currently, Lena might not even start a friendship with her in the future, or move to National City or anything. All of this is simply causing Kara's anxiousness and anxiety to continue to rise, dramatically.

After a couple of minutes of Kara trying to get a grip on her emotions, she composes herself, and then focuses her super hearing to search for Lena's heartbeat. Once the hero finds Lena's heartbeat, she notices that it isn't coming from the same direction as previously, when Lena was living in her townhouse apartment, but nor is it coming from the direction of the MIT campus. So, Kara flies in the direction of the heartbeat, and that is when she comes across a more modern apartment building, with several floors, which Lena has clearly moved into.

Kara floats above the apartment building, a few miles up in the air, out of sight of everyone, and then does a scan of the building, looking for Lena. Kara is doing this because she wants to check that Lena is alone. The last thing Kara wants is to try and barge in on Lena's life if the 19-year-old is occupied with a friend, or even a lover or something. After a few seconds of scanning, Kara does find Lena, and notices that it looks like she is alone in her apartment. However, Kara can also tell that something is off, because from the looks of things, Lena is sitting down, resting her head on a desk or something. But at the same time, Kara can tell that the future CEO is not asleep. All of this just makes Kara more confused as to what Lena is doing.

Kara flies down to the side of the building where Lena's apartment is. Once Kara figures out which one is Lena's apartment, she sees that the brunette's window is open, enough for the hero to easily fly through. However, Kara doesn't want to just force her way into Lena's home or anything, so she then moves to the nearest window as to where Lena is currently sitting. A few seconds later, once Kara arrives outside the window, she sees that Lena has her back to her, and is resting her head on a desk. Kara then uses her super hearing, and that is when her heart drops, as she realises that Lena is crying.

For the next few moments, Kara doesn't quite know what to do. A part of Kara still doesn't want to force her way into Lena's home, and thinks about knocking on the window to alert Lena of her presence or something. However, another part of Kara just desperately wants to get inside the apartment and give Lena all the affection she deserves, and comfort her from whatever emotional turmoil she is currently in. Ultimately the later part of Kara wins out.

Kara flies through the other window in Lena's apartment, which causes her to enter Lena's bedroom. Kara doesn't even bother to look around or anything, she just quickly makes her way further into the apartment. After a few seconds, Kara arrives in a sort of living room area, where she sees Lena laying her head on a desk, crying her eyes out. Kara can also see that Lena has a piece of paper crumpled up in one of her hands.

"Lena?" Kara says, softly, about 5 feet away.

Lena quickly jerks her head up from the desk and looks at Kara, with an absolutely devastated look on her face, tears falling down her cheeks.

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