Kitchen Adjacent

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Julieta's POV

     I stared at the mondongo soup, empanadas, buñuelos, and arepas. Biting my lip, I glanced around the kitchen, wondering if I should make something else to add to the meal. Unfortunately, I'd run out of quite a few ingredients, which meant if I did want to cook something, my options were extremely limited. 

     "Woah, Mamá!" Mirabel walked in, immediately noticing the pile of food. "Why did you make so much?! You know we'll never eat all of that." She laughed, before taking a second glance at the arepas.

    Smirking, she hurried to amend herself. "Though, knowing Camilo, those will not see daylight." 

     "Do you really think so, Nena?" I asked hesitantly. "It's just, its our first meal together since we fixed up the Casita and since Bruno--well, I just want everything to be perfect." I admitted, sighing. 

     Mirabel grabbed my hands, giving me a warm smile. "And it will be. Everyone loves your cooking! Trust me, it'll all be completely fine." 

     I smiled back at her, pulling her into my arms. "Ay, Mija, what would I do without you?"

     She gave me a tight squeeze. "You would have to carry all of this food to the table by yourself." She joked, letting go of me and grabbing the platter of buñuelos. 

     I laughed, picking up the mondongo soup and following after her. Hearing Luisa, Dolores, and Bruno walking in through the front door, we rushed to set out plates and cups, along with the rest of the food. 

     Soon enough, everyone was eating, and multiple conversations could be heard taking place around the room. Biting into an empanada, I happily watched Bruno ramble on and on to Antonio about his rats, showing them off to the boy and letting them introduce themselves. Antonio seemed to be picking up the names very quickly, though how he was able to tell them apart, I had no clue, because they certainly all looked the same to me. 

     However, I frowned upon noticing Bruno's plate. "Brunito, eat, eat!" I called over to him, motioning to the empty dish. "You can talk more after dinner, don't worry." 

     "I did eat! I'm so full right now I couldn't take another bite!" Bruno exclaimed. 

     Antonio tilted his head. "But Tío Bruno, all you had was an arepa and a buñuelo." The youngest Madrigal piped up, finishing off his second empanada. 

     At his words, the other conversations seemed to die down, as everyone looked between Bruno and his plate. Bruno, oblivious to this fact, gave Antonio a big grin, nodding his head. 

     "And they tasted amazing! You really outdid yourself Hermanita!" Bruno beamed, giving me two thumbs up. 

     He pivoted back to his nephew, continuing to talk about his pets, completely missing all of the horrified stares he was receiving from the rest of the family. Pepa opened her mouth, but I hurried to kick her leg before she could say anything. Immediately, she whipped her head around, her expression indignant.

     Looking between her and our brother, I pursed my lips. She seemed to understand what I was telling her, because she huffed, going back to her meal. Satisfied that at least there wasn't a thundercloud above her head, I cleared my throat, getting everyone's attention. 

     "Bruno, since you and Antonio are done with your meal, who don't you go and see all of his other animals?" I proposed. 

     "Yeah! You have to see my room!" Antonio declared, grabbing his tío's hand. Bruno laughed, letting himself be dragged away. The room was completely noiseless, all of us waiting to hear the sound of Antonio's door closing. 

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