Chapter 21.

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(TW: This chapter features strong language.)

It had been several minutes, and Dustin or Blyke still hadn't returned. My phone finally stalled out, the ringing noise fading away as Liesel failed to pick up her phone too. I swallowed hard, trying to coat my already dry mouth. I hope she's okay. I'd already poured the potion into eight bottles in front of me. All I needed now were the dandelions, but no one was getting back to me.

What if they were captured running around just to look for some stupid flowers? Why did he have to go ahead and do that? Anger flared up in my chest, but not enough to wash out the fear as I got up to peer out of the hole in the tumbled-down wall. A few people ran past, trying not to trip on the torn up bits of asphalt and crumbled store fronts. None of them had a bright purple hoodie or a bomber jacket on, though. I tried to pay attention to the screams echoing from all directions, but even if it was them, I couldn't make it out. Taking one last glance, I grumbled, "Screw it!"

As my stomach tied itself into a knot so large that it would've made Alexander the Great reach for his sword, I thrust my head out of the hole. The rough edges scratched at my face, making me regret turning side to side, but at least I could see better now. Not that it meant much. The fires had spread, there were no police on the scene, and still no sign of anyone, anywhere. Biting my lip in aggravation, I was about to pull my head back in, when I spotted something that made my heart plummet.

Right below me, just a few inches away, sat a pride of stubborn, yellow flowers poking out of a crack in the sidewalk. Dandelions. They had been right here the whole time, and I'd sent Blyke and Dustin on a death mission to find them.

"Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me."

I yanked them out of the ground, wasting no time in dropping them into the bottles and shaking the mixture fervently until it turned a solid purple. A bitter scent hit me, the magik bringing the phantom flavor of peanut butter in my mouth before I popped on the corks.

I tried to ring Dustin's phone again, fingers rapidly dancing across the screen to text him a few panicked messages, but no response. I swear if they died to find something that was literally right outside the window... I'd never forgive myself.

"That's it! I'm done with the plan." I scooped up the bottles, putting them into my backpack which I then tossed over my shoulder. No more waiting around. I would find them myself.


With that, I was shoving my way through a crowd, scanning everywhere just to find a familiar face. I was jostled, cursed at, shoved, but I ignored it all, continuing to push through until most of it cleared away to show a large town square, filled with a single ring of Witches. What are they all gathered around? I squinted, trying to look closer before they spotted me. The only thing I could make out around the endless sea of black was the water fountain and... A bright flash of purple peaked out from the swarm.

My stomach lurched. No!

I rushed ahead, shouting 'excuse me's and 'sorry's as I pushed to get in the chanting mass.

"Down with the Humans!"

"Where's our representation?"

"We'll make them pay!"

They seemed to ignore my presence as I made my way forward to get a better view, too concerned with the main event in the middle: A tall, skinny robed figure standing next too...

"Dustin! Blyke!" Dustin lay on the ground, lip busted and dripping red, while Blyke was held restrained by two more Witches, forced to watch.

"Go on Newbie! Show us what you got!" came more shouts from the crowd, as the man near Dustin drew closer. Finally, he spoke, and I recognized his voice as the same, nervous younger member from the day before.

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