Chapter 31.

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"Dekoran is the leader of this whole thing? I thought you said he was just in it?" Blyke's fierce whisper pulled me out of my shock.

"I didn't... I didn't know." I pulled my hand down my face, bewildered, but I felt stupid for not putting it together sooner. Of course he's in charge of it. He had more of a reason to be involved than anyone else, and hadn't hid his opinions since the day I'd met him, forget his power and blatant favoritism. It was obvious, but maybe, like now, I just hadn't wanted to see it. I didn't have long to think about it though before Dekoran began again with his speech.

"Witches of this region, for too long, we have suffered. Our everyday lives are affected, tormented by Humans misguided by a government made for them. They try to control our rights, our basic freedoms. Even simply from being a teacher here, I've seen myself how they target us with their guns, almost hitting our students simply trying to get an education the same as anyone else. But they are lucky if they can even make it in the building with them scanning us every day, tracking our every move. How long until they take it a step further? Tracing every use of magik until we can't safely use it at all? Already we have to break a curfew just to gather here. What happened to the right to freely practice that we were promised?"

My heart leapt to my throat as I heard a few people shout in agreement. Even so, Dekoran only nodded at them before continuing, his steps becoming a brisk pace back and forth across the stage. "What happens next then? When are we going to be pushed back until we must fear leaving our homes or face gunpoint in the streets? That's how they think of us, as a pest to be eradicated, when we've more power than they could ever hope to have themselves!"

Small murmurs hung in the crowd, fast and angry at the thought of the great race they'd been talked up to being anything less, but Dekoran gave them very little time to discuss as individuals.

"With how it stands, we are now presented with two options. We either make our move and prove ourselves now, or they will steal away our lifestyle as we know it, without a single representative to speak on our behalf." 

The anger turned quickly into fear as the man fell silent for a moment, leaving the air to hold a single question. How? Even though I didn't believe it, even though I didn't want to know, I couldn't do anything but stand and listen as Dekoran provided the answer for us.

"This time, we must strike from the center. The heart of their power is the Human government who enables these injustices to happen. If we can take them down at the very capital of it all, what options will they have? None. They will surrender to us, and from there, we can finally claim our rights!"

Applause broke out wildly, causing a small, thin smile to brush past his lips. "Thankfully, I've been working hard towards the end of things for a while. I have managed to obtain several potions to shield us during the final battle, giving us more of an advantage than ever."

"What about those fire potions, or the strength enhancers?" A voice called out from the crowd.

"Unfortunately, the Apothecary refused, and turned against his own kind. That's the last of these potions we shall receive, but it will also be the last battle we shall face," Dekoran announced, trying to pull the focus back to him.

"Traitor? How could he do such a thing?" The crowd seemed to have its own thoughts for a moment.

"Isn't the magik in his blood?"

"It could be used to make potions, couldn't it?"

"Kill the traitor! Secure our rights!"

"There's no need to kill the traitor," Dekoran cut in, concern flitting through his cold gaze for a moment. "We have more than enough-"

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