Chapter 29.

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Walking out of the cafeteria door with my usual deli sandwich, I made my way outside to sit down on the grass a little ways from everyone else. The weather was still warm, despite the crisp, October breeze tossing my hair around, and I figured I'd make the most of it now before Fall actually started to settle in.

Plopping down onto the grass, I stared up into the empty sky in thought. Last night, I'd made healing potions since that was the only recipe I'd managed to memorise, but the more I thought about it... If I really want to protect everyone, I'm going to need way more than that. That wasn't something I could do the bare minimum and squeak by like every other class. If something happens, if I don't think of every what-if scenario now... A shaky breath escaped my mouth. To the news, it'd be another Witch or Human lost to the riots. Another number to add to the statistic, another front page headline to squeeze them a few more sales, but to me, that could be my best friend.

Maybe I can ask Dekoran for the spellbook. After all, it wasn't like he couldn't use it for anything, and I had already made the defence he'd asked for. There wasn't any more use for it now.

"Hey." I heard a voice behind me. "Mind if I sit here?"

I tipped my head, almost thinking it was Dustin for a moment, before I caught the focused look in her eyes, long hair trailing behind her. "Hey Gwen." I hadn't known I shared lunch with anyone I knew, with it being after third period. Everyone else in the group had it during their second, so I'd just come out alone, which was my usual anyway. "I don't mind. Don't see why you would though."

"I just don't feel like being alone. After the what happened here last week... Might as well stick together, right?" The words sounded positive, but her voice was flat as she took a spot next to me, eyes narrowed at the same patch of grass I'd been glaring at. It was a miracle it hadn't withered already.

"Yeah. Stick by the guy who's the target in the first place. Great idea. And here I thought you were the smart twin," I mused, taking a bite out of my sandwich. It was practically a squirt bottle with the amount of mayonaise put on it though, and I eventually gave up, tossing it at the nearest trashcan.

"Dustin is smart too!" The words made me flinch. I turned away from watching the whirling inside of the can breaking down the remainder of my lunch to see her glaring at me from the ground, arms planted angrily at her sides.

"W-wait! I didn't mean it like that." I rushed to explain almost as fast as I went to take my seat back. "I just meant that you're a lot more..." I circled my hand around, looking for the right word.


"Yeah, that." It was concerning actually, now that I actually noticed it. After the shooting, whatever thing he had, it was definitely getting worse. What had just seemed like innocent daydreaming before was becoming some kind of twisted way to escape reality. I could try to text Dustin, with no reply for hours... snap my fingers in front of his face at the bus stop to try and get him to notice me. If I didn't, he'd just sit there, stuck in some kind of auto-pilot unless I could yank him back into the real world.

"I have to be," she answered, pulling a cantine of soup from her backpack, unscrewing the top and bringing out a spoon. She only took a single bite though before curling her knees up to wrap bulky sleeves around them. "With everything going on right now, no one's safe. Someone has to protect him. That's why Blyke built you that launcher, right?"

"No I--" I cut myself off as her head tipped to face me, an annoyed look on her face. "Yeah. He played it off like he just wanted to have a fun project to do but..." 

My mind trailed back to him catching my arm before my bus stop. "I think we're gonna need it soon." 

I frowned. "I think deep down, he knew this was going to get worse, but I'm going to make sure I won't need it." With nothing else to do, I leaned back, lying fully down on the grass, arms crossed behind my head. I drew in a deep breath, the next words coming out as a sigh. "I'm quitting potion-making after school."

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