Chapter 34.

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Tears pricked at my eyes as I saw my best friend standing haughtily above me, right next to the very man who had sworn to kill me. "Elliot?" I choked the word out. "What are you doing here?"

He took a deep breath, his facial features slowly relaxing into a blank stare. "I'm making things right, Crow."

"Wait, you know this guy?" Gwen asked, stepping closer to me.

"Y-yeah," I answered back, my voice shaking. "He's my best friend. We used to hang out. Make potions toget-"

Oh no... No no no!

"Oh really? I'm your best friend? Then why did you trade me out for a bunch of Humans and two-faced Witches at the soonest convenience?" He rolled his eyes, spreading his hands up in a mocking fashion.

"Elliot! I said it wasn't like that," I shot back, words sounding angrier than I felt. Inside I was just... confused, shocked. Hurt.

"'Not like that'— Don't lie to me, Crow! I'm so sick of you ignoring the simple facts in life, and just getting away with everything because 'Look at me, I'm friends with Humans', 'I'm so bad at being a Witch I can pass for Human'. You don't have to suffer like the rest of us, and yet you act like you're the hero. I'm tired of it!" He looked over at Dekoran. "Sir, may I have my magik back? I'll handle them."

Dekoran just raised an eyebrow. "Your magik? You let me take it, and I took it. It's mine now." He tipped his staff forward, watching a few of the dripping figures drift closer. "And quite a lovely magik it is, too. Intoxicating, but powerful. Rare to see someone so young take something so dark."

"Watch out!" Dustin shouted as a black hand reached for Blyke, fingers tipped like claws. He jumped back from the swipe, ducking around to place his hand on the misty, black ball of a head, but he only tripped, shivering as he passed right through.

"They have no body heat!" Blyke shouted back at us. "I don't know what else I'm supposed to do!" A tongue stuck out of his mouth in concentration as he ducked down, kicking at it. His sneaker passed through the air though, the spirit separating at the middle before warping itself back together.

Instantly, Blyke backed up, hands raised. "Shit... Sorry man. Best two outta three?"

It gave no response, its liquid arm lengthening into a dark whip riddled with spikes. I watched in horror as it careened into him, blood-soaked needles tearing through his arms, shoulder, and ribs as he was sent flying back once again. His body scraped along the floor, leaving a trail of red behind. Gwen screamed, running over to him, but as much as she shook him, he didn't move.

"Well, this is quite fun," Dekoran mused, eyeing Blyke lying as a heap on the floor. I recoiled as I caught a glimmer in the old man's eyes for the first time. "I wonder what else they can do."

"Sir!" Elliot called, shaking me out of my stupor. "You told me I was your prodigy, not your puppet. Give me my magik back!"

"You are whatever I make you to be. Now leave me to fight."


"I won't ask you again." He lifted his staff, the orb glowing as two spirits separated from the crowd, staggering towards Elliot. Fear flashed in his eyes, and he backed up.

A pang tugged at my chest, and for a moment I wanted to run over, save him... Something, but I knew he didn't deserve it. Not if this was the kind of person he was. Had always been.

I looked back at the souls piled into the room, more appearing by the second as Dekoran raised his hands. My heart stopped as he sent them rushing forward at an alarming rate. One reached for Gwen, claws tearing at her face as she screamed.

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