Chapter Three - Exception to the Rule

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There's always an exception to the rule
Why don't you want it?

One thing that Small Saverus had always hated was Gryffindors.

His mother was a Slytherin (he'd rather not think about his filthy muggle father), and as a boy he had always aspired to be in Slytherin just like her.

When he got on the train to Hogwarts, he immediately befriended a very specific group of Slytherins. He had always hated his father, and now he had justification for it, muggles. The Slytherins he spoke to made it clear where their loyalties lay, and Saverus tried his very best to keep his father's blood status a secret. He had to be in Slytherin.

When he sat down in the middle of the Great Hall and Professor McGonagall placed the sorting hat upon his head, he was both relieved and unsurprised when he heard it shout "SLYTHERIN!".

He was just as unsurprised when he watched that same hat place James Potter in Gryffindor.
Just as unsurprised when Potter and his little Gryffindor posse started bullying him at every given moment.
Just as unsurprised when every single cruel person he met was wearing that same red and gold tie.

What had surprised him was when the beautiful, young redhead he had been friends with all his life had been placed in that same house. He could distinctly remember the feeling of his stomach sinking when he heard the hat cry out "GRYFFINDOR!" when placed on Lily Evans' soft, small head.

Small Saverus hated Gryffindors, but Lily Evans was the exception.
The only exception.
Except maybe...

"Lemongrab!" Black called from across the classroom, laughing and running towards them as Saverus's potion exploded.

Saverus felt his blood boil; that stupid fucking Gryffindor, dirty blood traitor and his thousands of mudblood girlfriends, not to mention his limeskinned little friend Lemongrab, who had clearly just slipped something into Sav's potion as he walked by.

"Mr Black and Earl of! See me in detention at 5."


The lesson came and went, and Sav was given an extension on his Amortentia project because of the prank. As he packed up his things, he saw (once again) James Moron Potter making a feeble attempt at flirting with Lily.

"Oi Evans!"

"Sod off, Potter"

"Your hair looks pretty."

"I said, sod off."

The interaction continued, and Sav heard Potter employ the use of many ridiculous pickup lines such as "Are you a dementor? Because you just took my breath away", and "You must be a golden snitch because I've been seeking you all my life" (to which Lily replied, "Aren't you a chaser?")

Eventually, Small Saverus decided to step in.

"Potter, leave the lady alone." He declared (with full confidence, attempting to emit the aura of an alpha male), inserting himself into the conversation

"Not you too!" Lily exclaimed, looking utterly frustrated with the whole ordeal. Saverus took a step back - shocked by her response - and Potter did the same. "You know what, I am so sick of both of you!" She stormed out of the classroom, leaving Saverus and Potter bewildered.

"What did you say to her?" Saverus turned to Potter in an accusatory manner.

"Nothing!" Potter insisted, his voice sincere.

Saverus left the classroom angry and confused, but his mind eventually occupied itself with the stress of homework and exams, not to mention the political climate. He had far too much to worry about and not enough brain space for Lily Evans' PMS-fueled outbursts.

As he walked to the library to study during his free period, he saw two people in Gryffindor robes cuddled against each other outside, one with a book resting on her knees, the other laughing and turning the page. The one with the book had a head that was distinctly lemon shaped, and a laugh that Saverus would recognise anywhere. The page-turner was none other than Sirius Black.

Saverus stormed past them - furious - not even bothering to go to the library. He couldn't form coherent thoughts anymore, let alone study. His brain was whirring between thoughts of where Sirius' eyes were looking, to where Lemongrab's hands were placed. As he speed-walked away from them, he ran directly into a person who was walking the other way.

"Watch i- oh, sorry Mulciber." Saverus stammered, realising who he had bumped into.

"Small Saverus, just the person I was looking for. Listen, I got an internship over the holidays with that new political group everybody's been raving about, and they've asked me to try and recruit more members, do you want in?" Alfie Mulciber spoke with an air of confidence and superiority that only pureblood Slytherins could achieve.

"New political group?" Saverus asked.

"The one in the paper, you read the piece, didn't you? The one on the Statute of Secrecy?"

"Yes- yes of course."

"So? You want in or not?"

Saverus paused for a moment.
"Owl me the details, I'll ask my mother about it." He stated plainly.

"Will do. See you later, Sav." Mulciber replied, walking back towards the library as Saverus found his thoughts going straight back to the image he had seen outside of it only moments before.

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