Chapter Six - Big Black Heart

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I'd ask you to cross but you'd never do it
But then again you stopped in the middle of the street
Just to kiss me, and I thought you'd stopped the world

Lemongrab was furious - almost on the verge of tears as she talked to LSP.

"God, it was stupid of me to trust him! I've always told you LSP I'm better single, I don't like relationships. This is too much stress, I shouldn't have gotten involved."

"It's his fault, Grabby!" Lumpy Space Princess replied. "He's the one flirting with Alice fucking Fortescue." And indeed - sitting on the couch in the living room - Sirius Black had his arm around Alice Fortescue.

Sirius and Lemongrab had gone public with their relationship almost 2 months ago, and had been going strong. They had a close, genuine connection and enjoyed every moment they spent together, but Sirius had started pulling away this past week and this was the final straw. Lemongrab didn't blame Alice of course - she clearly didn't know what was happening - but Lemongrab was furious with Sirius Black.

When Sirius finally tore himself away from Alice to go get a drink from the kitchen, Lemongrab knew this was her chance to intervene.

"What are you playing at?" Lemongrab asked, sternly as she walked into the kitchen. She stood on the opposite side of the bench, leaning over and staring at him.

Sirius jumped.
"What?" he asked, and Lemongrab couldn't tell if he was genuinely confused or not. She found it hard to read Sirius sometimes.

"Are you and Alice having a fun night?" Lemongrab clarified, their tone accusatory.

Sirius went bright red. He stammered, then paused - clearly deciding it was best not to get defensive - and when he spoke his tone was soft, ever so slightly patronising.

"Lemon, love-"

"Don't you dare."

They stared at eachother for a moment, then Lemongrab walked around the bench to stand directly infront of him.

She wanted to tell him how hurt she was. Wanted to tell him how hard it is for them to trust people, and how rare it was that they had trusted him. Lemongrab wanted to scream at Sirius for betraying her, beg for an explanation.

But here - face to face - she felt her knees growing weak. She could barely breathe as their faces inched closer together and their lips met. Sirius's hands found their way up to Lemongrab's head, holding them close. They pressed up against eachother and Sirius started to unzip the back of Lemongrab's dress. They let this happen and encouraged the movement by pulling down the sleeves, revealing their ivy lace bra.

Sirius took this opportunity to move his hands lower, slipping his fingers inside the dress to hold Lemongrab's waist. He moved his kisses down to their neck, sucking gently on their rind to leave a mark. Sirius loved giving hickeys. When Sirius moved his mouth back up to meet Lemongrab's they could taste their own perfume on his lips. It tasted of citrus.

Sirius pulled his lips away - just barely - breathing heavily. He moved his hands up Lemongrab's back to find her bra strap, and he undid it with precision. Lemongrab pulled the straps down, revealing her huge yellow breasts. They were bumpy and firm - just like the rest of her gorgeous yellow rind - but their nipples were pink and human.

Sirius moved his hands towards Lemongrab's bazookers and squeezed them tightly, kissing just above them as he did so. Lemongrab moaned, leaning backwards in pleasure. Sirius gripped tightly and began to massage around her pink, hard nipples.

"Good boy." Lemongrab said softly, her mouth agape.

"Thank you, Mommy" he replied.

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