Chapter Four - Chesapeake

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We were the tallest person watching in Chesapeake
You put me on your shoulders so I could see
I was all covered in sound

"Earl Of!" Sirius came sprinting down the hall, panting to try and keep up. Lemongrab turned around and stood there like a deer in headlights as Sirius came crashing into her, unable to stop himself in time.

"Sirius!" Lemongrab scolded as they went tumbling to the ground. They were embarrassed because of all the people who had just seen them fall, but he couldn't help but laugh and the sheer ridiculousness of it.

"Sorry!!!" Sirius frantically apologised, getting up and dusting himself off. He offered a hand to Lemongrab to help them get up. Lemongrab took his hand gratefully and allowed him to pull her up. She stood up and smiled at him, then realised their hands were still touching and quickly pulled away.

"Merlin, Sirius. What did you need?" She laughed.

"Oh, right! So my cousin Andromeda is really into all of this muggle music, right? And she managed to score some tickets to an Ed Sheeran concert down in Chesapeake, and I know you like him so I was wondering if you wanted to sneak out and go together?"

"When is it?" Lemongrab replied, already smiling. She adored Edward.

"Tomorrow night. We could apparate from Hogsmede."

She paused for a second, thinking.

..."Okay, I'm in." They stated, biting their zesty bottom lip as they thought about seeing their favorite artist on stage.

"Brilliant!" Sirius replied, his eyes shining with delight.

"Oh, one more thing," Lemongrab added.


"How did you know I liked Ed Sheeran?"

Sirius paused for a moment. "I saw some of his vinyls in your room last week, figured you were a bit of a Sheerio like me."

Lemongrab blushed at how observant he was.


Lemongrab looked at his watch anxiously, 6:43pm. Sirius was supposed to have arrived thirteen minutes ago. They had a strict schedule planned for the concert and they couldn't afford to waste time. They had to allow at least twenty minutes to adjust to their surroundings after apparating and they had already wasted - Lemongrab looked at his watch again, 6:44 - fourteen of them!

At that moment, they saw Sirius Black's silhouette running down the street, his leather jacket and dark, curly hair was a blur as he darted past the telephone box.

"There you are!" Lemongrab exclaimed, "You're fourteen minutes late."

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. McGonagall kept me back an extra twenty minutes after detention, but I'm here now."

"Come on, let's just apparate so we can get there as soon as possible."

Sirius took hold of Lemongrab's arm, and they both apparated to the concert venue. They both felt quite sick but pushed through it to get to the front of the queue. They handed their tickets to security and finally made it inside.


"I'm in love with the shape of you"

Lemongrab danced like she was still a child, she was having the time of her life.

"We push and pull like a magnet do"

I screamed the lyrics along with Ed and the rest of the crowd.

"And though my heart is falling too"

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