Chapter Fifteen - Smoke Signals (Reprise)

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I'm at the exit, lookin' back through the hall
You are anonymous, I am a concrete wall

Two days later, Small Saverus was still thinking about the kiss.

When he had pulled away, he apologised quickly. The next minute could have looked awkward to an outsider, but the romantic tension had been so thick you could cut it with a knife.

They were just staring at each other - Lemongrab's large, black eyes swimming in Saverus's smaller black eyes.

When Lemongrab finally moved again Small Saverus almost thought she was going to kiss him again, but she didn't. They just stood up and looked at him with an expression he couldn't quite decipher. It was intense - that's for sure - but it was also soft, almost pitying. It was loaded.

After that, they just walked away, awkwardly muttering "I'll see you later" or something like that.

And the kiss itself, god that kiss.

Neither of them had been expecting the kiss - least of all Sav, despite inciting it himself. It was like this passion just took over him, he couldn't hold himself back anymore. Years of pent-up jealousy and tenderness released in an instant. Their lips were rough, they tasted of citrus. If he focused hard enough he could still feel the tingling sensation on his tongue.

They had seen each other in class and had not spoken a word. They passed each other in the hallways and firmly kept their heads down. It was worse than how they used to be, at least when Lemongrab's friends ridiculed Small Saverus they would look at him.


"Alright, class." Said Professor Slughorn in his toad-like voice. "Today we will be brewing a Draught of Living Death, though we seem to be out of sopophorous beans..." He stared at the ingredients table awkwardly. "Uh, we'll have to get some more." He looked around the room.

Small Saverus had zoned out almost completely but was swiftly brought back to reality by Professor Slughorn declaring "Small Saverus! And umm, Earl Of Lemongrab. Could you two go down to the storage cupboard just outside my office and retrieve a jar of sopophorous beans for the class? Thank you."

Small Saverus and Lemongrab stared at each other.

"In the meantime..." Slughorn continued, but Small Saverus couldn't get his mind to focus anymore. After seeing Lemongrab stand up, he followed hesitantly.

Small Saverus was further at the back of the class so he made it to the door first. He stood outside and held it open for Lemongrab to walk through. "Thanks." She mumbled, barely audible.

They walked in silence along the corridor, not daring to acknowledge each other.

And then Lemongrab spoke. He finally spoke. He spoke in that delighted voice he always used to break the ice, Saverus knew it well. "God, sopophorous beans, what a mouthful." They joked.

Small Saverus smiled. He didn't even laugh, he didn't have to. He just looked at Lemongrab, and she smiled back at him, and he knew. He just knew. They were okay, more than okay.


The potions cupboard was close to their classroom, they didn't have to walk far. Lemongrab walked inside first, and when Small Saverus followed she used her wand to shut the door behind them. The cupboard was small, but they both had enough room to stand comfortably.

Small Saverus faced Lemongrab. "Oh, umm.." he said, noticing the shelf behind her, "The uh, the beans." He said awkwardly, reaching his hand above her shoulder to grab the sopophorous beans from the back of the shelf. As he did so his body leaned forward, closer to Lemongrab. She stared up at him, her eyes wide. Their faces were close again, in that way Saverus couldn't quite resist.

Before his hands even made it to the jar he pulled them back to hold Lemongrab's oval face as he kissed her. She didn't pull away, quite the opposite actually. Whilst Saverus's hands were occupied holding Lemongrab's face, Lemongrab's hands found their way to Sav's hips.

Small Saverus almost flinched at the touch - he hadn't been expecting it - but her hands were firm and pleasant. He wanted to melt into a puddle, he wanted to cry, they were so beautiful, so gentle. Small Saverus moved his left hand forward slightly to the front of Lemongrab's jawline and tilted her head upwards slightly so he could kiss their neck.

The sound that Lemongrab made was something out of a dream. Small Saverus smiled slightly when he heard it - his teeth grazing their neck in the process, tasting their sour skin - and took it as a sign of encouragement. He sucked carefully and forcefully on their rind until there was a light, brown bruise.

Lemongrab must have seen this action as deserving of a reward because in response they did something Saverus had not been expecting. Carefully, ever so gently, their fingers lifted from Small Saverus's hips and grazed along his stomach, finally landing their left hand on Saverus's thigh... and their right hand on his bulge. 

Lemongrab smiled when her hand arrived at its destination, obviously noticing that Saverus was rock-hard. Sav felt a small gasp escape his mouth as Lemongrab's hand tightened. She leaned forward, whispering in his ear "We'll have to go back to class soon."

"Mmm." Small Saverus responded, barely hearing her.

She used her free hand to grab one of Small Saverus's hands (which were now firmly holding the shelf behind her) and move it to her hair/fur. He obeyed, gripping it tightly. "There's a good boy." Lemongrab whispered. 

Saverus had forgotten to keep kissing them, he was so... so.. god. He moved his face forward - their mouths breathing inches apart - and just as their lips were about to meet... Lemongrab loosened their grip. They removed their hands from Saverus's body. 

She turned around and grabbed the jar labeled 'Sopophorous Beans' and gave Small Saverus a quick peck on the lips. "Let's get back to class now." She smiled, opening the door. 

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