Chapter Five - Forest Lawn

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You pass out quick
You lack ambition
Why does everybody always end up in the kitchen?

"Remind me again why we're going to this party, Saverus?" Evan Rosier asked Small Saverus as they trudged along the dirt path towards James Potter's house. They weren't even close, but they could already hear the music.

"It's important to keep up appearances."

"Appearances? Sav we both know what this is about."

They paused.

"It's not about her." Saverus argued.

"It is!"

Saverus was fully prepared to argue with Rosier on this. Just because Lemongrab gave him the invitation doesn't mean he was going for them. He wasn't into Lemongrab! In fact he couldn't stand Lemongrab. Besides, he was dating Sirius Black so he clearly had questionable taste.

Black and Lemongrab had been dating for a month now, and the news had spread very quickly (as these things tend to do at Hogwarts). The happy couple could often be found snogging in the hallways or giggling behind a library shelf; Saverus was disgusted. And despite this, Saverus was still showing up to this stupid party that Lemongrab had invited him to.
Not because I like them he told himself over and over again.

"Come on! Just admit that you still like them." Evan continued

"Still?" This choice of words left Sav slightly taken aback. Had he given any sign of being attracted to Lemongrab in the past? I mean there was that one time in transfiguration when they'd been transfiguring their beetles side by side and her perfume had smelt oh, so sweet with their natural tangy, bitter lemon scent mixed in.. and Saverus had leant in just a little; Just a little. Had he wanted to kiss her? Would he have kissed her? Did anyone see it happen before Professor McGonagall had interrupted?

"Yeah! You've had a crush on Lily Evans since you were kids."

Lily. He was talking about Lily.

"Right. Yes."


The party was fun, if a little loud. Saverus wasn't a huge fan of parties usually, but Evan brought him out of his shell.

Saverus ended up chatting with a bunch of Slytherins from different year groups. There weren't a huge amount of Slytherins at this party (of course, Sav would expect that from a party hosted by Potter and Black) but most of them had found eachother and were now sitting in a circle on the floor.
(There were - of course - exceptions to this rule, namely Dorcas Meadowes who was snogging Marlene Mckinnon in the corner of the kitchen.)

The Slytherins were talking about their plans for after they graduate, and a lot of the Slytherins had taken up an internship with that political party that Saverus was invited to join. He had accepted the internship there - of course, it was a brilliant opportunity - but had only done small bits of work so far.

"Do you think they'd consider taking on another intern?" A fifth year Slytherin asked eagerly.

"Oh, they're always looking for new interns." Avery (the canon death eater, not singer/songwriter avery pickup) responded.
"I can put in a good word for you."

This meant a lot coming from Avery (once again, canon man not musician) as his family had a pure bloodline that extended throughout every generation. His father held a great deal of power within the Ministry of Magic, and no doubt had some sway with this political party. Saverus wondered why Avery (canon not musician) was handing out recommendations so carelessly. Was the party that desperate for supporters? A lot of what Saverus had been told to handle was recruiting; it would make sense.

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